Chapter 12

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Songs for chapter:

*smoke clouds- James Arthur (Please go listen to this song! Not only does it go with this chapter, but it's just such a good song!)

Harry POV

The sun is so fucking bright that it shines through my eyelids, turning my vision orange and waking me up from my dreamless slumber. I hear water crashing beneath me and birds chirping above me, reminding me that I am on the dock. I'm afraid to open my eyes in fear that the massive ball of light will blind me, but I take my chances anyway and slowly open my eyelids, blinking several times to let myself adjust to the change in brightness. I feel something heavy on my chest and look down to see what it is. I soon come to realization that it is Brie's head resting on me with her hand gently placed on my stomach. I groan and softly nudge her off of me as my consequence from drinking so much last night sets in.

"Fuck..." I curse, sitting up to hold my head in my hands as if it will reduce the pain... it doesn't.

I hear Brie shuffling around in the blanket next to me and look over to her. She sits up and gives me a weird look before turning away. We both sit there for what seems like forever, and I mentally shove a metal rod up my ass as a punishment for drinking so much last night.

"We should go." Brie states abruptly and stands up. She stumbles a bit so I hold my hands out to stable her.

"I got it." She snaps and shrugs me off before quickly walking off of the dock and into the trees. What the fuck? I roll my eyes and slowly push myself off of the ground. My vision blurs and my head begins to feel cloudy as I stand to my feet. I stay still until I feel somewhat normal before moving again. I grab my phone and the blanket that Brie left in a wrinkled mess and sling it over my shoulder. I decide to leave all the empty beer bottles on the dock... I mean they are recyclable... So they'll just dissolve into the ground or something like that... yeah, I think that's how it works...

I thank god that there is a wide and cleared trail that stretches from the dock to the fence. If there wasn't, I would without a doubt get lost in this large collection of trees. When I reach the wire fence that Brie and I jumped over yesterday, I see that Brie is already sitting at the top of the fence with her legs on either side. She looks at me with the same weird look that she did earlier and hops down. How could she not get up there yesterday, but she can today with a massive hangover. Well, I'm assuming she has a hangover, she drank just as much as I did. I manage to get over the fence, and it worsens my headache even more as I hit the ground. Brie isn't too far ahead of me so I choose to risk increasing the pressure in my head and jog up to her.

"Brie, wait," I say and grab her arm to gently pull her back to me. "What's wrong?" I ask, furrowing my brow.

"Nothing." she says, shaking me off. The attitude in her voice catches me off guard and I watch as she begins walking to her car again. I soon recover from her harshness and storm after her.

"Brie! What the fuck did I do?" I shout, continuing to speed walk after her. Damn, she's fast. When she reaches the car, I am just inches behind her. She begins to open the door, but I slam it shut before she has the chance to open it wide enough to get in. She try's to walk away from me but I put my hand against her car window, cornering and disabling her from moving too much. She's taken aback by my actions and gives me a hard look.

"What did I do?" I ask and her breathing starts to increase in speed and heaviness.

"Let me go." she states, still glaring at me with her blue eyes that never fail to surprise me with their brightness.

"Go where? Your cars right here." I remind her and she rolls her eyes and pushes on my chest. I could have easily stayed put, but I choose to let her push me back and get into her car.

Desolation ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now