Chapter 34

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For this chapter, I just hope you all know what snapchat is lol. If you don't, I guess that's okay. You might be a little confused for a bit but you'll be fine. I made it long because I haven't updated in awhile xx


*I Can't Be Your Everything- James Arthur (if you're going to listen to any of the songs, listen to this one bc it explains Harry's situation perfectly)

*Still - Daughter (Ik this song is about a dying relationship and the two people are trying to fake their love for one another because they're scared about the relationship ending... but I interpret this song differently. The way I see it, it fits this chapter perfectly and hopefully if you guys listen to it --not watch the music video-- you'll see it the way I do because this really is a beautifully written song and to me it fits Brarry's situation perfectly lol)

Fallingforyou - The 1975


Is This Love - James Arthur


"Sweetheart, your phone's buzzing again." Says my mum as she sits next to me on the living room sofa, her eyes gesturing to the device that vibrates on the coffee table before us. I roll my eyes halfheartedly, not wanting my mum to take anything personally. It's not really her that I'm annoyed with, it's the world and everyone in it.

After reaching for my phone, I glance down at the screen and see the several snapchat notifications that fill it, swiping my thumb across the glass surface and pressing it to the home button to unlock the devise.

Opening the snaps and seeing the selfies from numerous girls, I choose not to reply. First of all, I hate taking pictures, second, I know this is just going to turn into nude exchanging and in all honesty, I'm not in the mood.

"I'll go make us some popcorn." My mum informs me, standing from the couch and making her way to the kitchen. She asked me to stay home with her tonight to spend some time together, and I agreed because I was just going to sit in my room all night anyway. I didn't feel like doing anything after my encounter with Brie this morning.

I usually don't look at people's snapchat stories because I don't give a fuck about what they're doing, but I decided to change things up a bit. It's just annoying because people use this app as a way to nonchalantly brag about who they're with. Well here's a little tip my friends, you don't need a 200 second story to prove you're at a party.

I press the screen of my phone, clicking on Perrie's story. Shock flashes through me when a video of Brie begins playing on my phone.

"What did you say, Brianna?" Perrie giggles right into the speakers of the phone, and Brie looks into the lens of the camera.

"I said, my mom's a whore." A lazy smile curves her lips as drained laugher sounds from her. It's evident to me and everyone else who's seen this that she's heavily intoxicated, and the fact that she's even at that party pisses me off. I know what she's like when she's drunk. She can be funny at first, but after a while she begins making the stupidest decisions and I'm usually the one dragging her wasted ass home. Well, I'm not at that party therefore she'll have to deal with whatever it is she ends up getting into herself.

Perrie's obnoxious laugh nearly blows out the speakers of my phone, but I continue watching her story out of curiosity and slight anger.

The majority of Perrie's story mainly consists of ten second pictures and videos of drunken teenage idiots who apparently think it's a smart idea to post things of themselves holding a joint and drinking out of a red cup. I skip through the various pictures as I didn't find them to be very interesting until I come across a familiar face... actually, two familiar faces. Brie and Louis. That fucker.

Desolation ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now