Chapter 25

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I think the chapters for this story are out of order, so just check the numbers please!!!

Kind of a short chapter, but then next one will be much longer and very exciting 😏

I apologize for any mistakes!

Please vote and inline comment, love youu💕


"Hey, it's Gemma. Sorry I missed your call. Leave a message and if you're important enough I'll try get back to you." The sound of my sisters recorded voice sounds from the speakers of my phone, only deepening the pit in my stomach that was already deteriorating my insides.

I've been trying to get a hold of her all day, but I know she'll never pick up. My dad probably took her phone, or got her a new one. He's never going to let us contact each other again.

"Harry, when I said to get out of bed, I didn't mean just come downstairs and lay on the couch." My mum's voice sounds, and I look up from the screen of my phone. I didn't realize that she was in the living room with me, she told me she was going to make me something to eat, so I was expecting her to be in the kitchen.

I shrug my shoulders and set my phone down next to me, directing my eyes back towards the TV, but not directing my attention to it.

My mind is still set on my sister. I need to know what she's doing, if she's okay... if he's touched her. But I'm fucking pissed because there is no way for me to contact her, and it's all my mum's fault. Which is why I've been giving her as minimum attention as possible. Today is just one of those days where I can't deal with people's shit.

"Harry..." My mum voices, attempting to get my attention.

When I don't answer her, she sighs and sits down on the couch next to me. She knows that I have issues with people being too close to me, and when I glance over at her, she scoots away slightly, making sure to keep some distance.

"Harry..." She speaks again and I roll my eyes.

"What?" I snap at her, raising my hands for a dramatic effect.

"I made you a sandwich, like I said I would." She tells me, gesturing to the plate of food on the coffee table in front of her.

"I told you I wasn't hungry."

"It's almost five O'clock, and you haven't eaten anything today. So don't tell me you seen hungry, eat." She reminds me and I take in a deep breath, trying not to lash out at her for making me move to this country.

"No." I protest once again and she sighs.

"Eat, or I'm taking you to a doctor." She softly threatens, clearly hesitant about the words she just spoke.

"Oh my fucking god, Mum. I'm just not hungry, what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is I think you have a problem, and I want to get you some help. Why won't you accept anyone's help?"

"I'm not doing this with you again." I mutter and stand from my seat on the couch, trying my best not to grab the plate of food and chuck it across the room. Maybe she's right. I might have a problem. I could be depressed, bipolar, have anger issues... or maybe all of the above. But I don't give a flying fuck, not a single one. If I do have a problem, I've been dealing with it all my life. If I can take care of myself for that long, I don't need a doctor or a therapist to "help" me.

"Harry, don't leave. I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you. I mean, you've been suspended from school already, and we've barely moved in." She reminds me as I grab the keys to my truck off of the kitchen counter.

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