Chapter 6

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A/N: Yes there is a chapter five, but wattpad made it private for some dumb ass reason so if you want to read it then you have to follow me, sorry.

I'm sitting on the couch watching reruns of Friends when I hear a knock at the door. The time on my phone reads 9:32, who could be at the door this late? As I stand from the coach I pray it's not one of the guys my mom hooked up with, she's not home and I don't want to have to tell them that. Not that I feel any safer with her here.

When I open the door I am surprised to see Harry standing on the other side of it. But I soon become uncomfortable when I feel the cool breeze on my chest and realize what I am wearing. "Harry, what are you doing here?" I ask crossing my arms, trying to cover some of the exposed cleavage.

"Erm, sorry I probably should have called or something. I was gonna give it back at school, but you weren't there." He hands me my math notebook, I must have left it at his house without knowing. I try to contain my smile at how he drove all the way here just to give it to me.

"Harry you didn't have to drive all the way here. I could have gotten it on Monday." I say.
"It's Fine. I was just on my way to a party, so I thought I would just drop it off." He claims. I find it funny how he just got here, and he's already made friends and been invited to a party.

"Well thanks. Um, I guess I'll just see you at school then?" I ask and he nods, turning around to leave. Just as I am about to close the door I hear him say,

"Wait, Do you want to come? To the party I mean?" Me? Going to a high school party with a ton of other girls that are probably much more sexy than I am- no not probably, definitely more sexy than I am- ... no thanks. Plus I already canceled my plans for a movie with Erica and Kayla.

"Um... I'm not dressed or anything." I can tell he is trying to hold back a laugh at my excuse.
"Well it's not that hard to put a shirt on." He chuckles. I laugh with him, it was kind of a lame excuse. I guess he's right. I should probably get out for a while anyway, I've been cooped up inside all day.

"Alright," I smile. "I'll go as long as you give me a ride home after." I move out of the doorway and beckon for him to come inside.


Harry waits in the living room while I go to my room and change into a white V-neck, but I decide to keep my leggings on, I want to be comfortable. Now I'm kind of glad my mom told me I looked like shit and to put makeup on, because now I don't have to make Harry wait any longer. Just as I'm about to open my bedroom door, I notice my scars when I glance at my reflection. "Fuck." I curse to myself and search the room for something long-sleeved to put on. I grab a lightweight gray zip up sweatshirt and throw it on over my shirt, deciding not to zip it. When I exit my room I find Harry sitting on the coach and watching Friends.

"Ready?" I ask. He looks up at me and nods. I shut off the TV before slipping into my Vanz and walking out to Harry's truck with him.

"So I'm guessing you weren't sick today then?" Harry speaks once we start driving.

"Um, well I had a bad headache earlier. But it's better now." I state. And it's true, I do feel much better than I did this morning.

"Sure..." He smirks and continues driving.

"So where's the party at?" I ask trying to direct the attention away from me.

"Some rich girls house." He shrugs. I know a girl who is rich, but I wish I could say I didn't.

"Christine's?" I ask, praying the answer is no. He glances over at me and then turns his head back to the road.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Fuck. I hate Christine's guts, and she hates mine. Ever since the incident in 9th grade, we have never liked each other.

Desolation ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now