Chapter 4

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Please read the authors note at the end of the chapter, it's important. Thanks xx


Songs for chapter:

* Invisable - Skyler Grey

BEEP!... BEEP!... BEEP!...

I groan at my alarm clock, hitting the snooze button without opening my eyes and pull the pillow over my head. My alarm goes off again five minutes later, this time I know I have to get up. Slowly, I force open my eyelids and let the golden light from the sunrise in. Ugh. Why did I leave my curtains open last night? I throw the covers off of me, releasing the warmth my body created through out the night and causing goose bumps to cover the exposed skin of my arms and chest. I only wore a tank top and leggings to bed yesterday, I probably should have thrown on a sweatshirt. Still half asleep, I plod out of my room and to the bathroom, locking the door behind me and turning the shower on. Stripping from my clothes I step into the scorching water, letting it stream down my body. As the droplets run down my arms they sting the open slits on my wrists. I just stand under the water for a while before actually washing my hair and body.

After quickly shaving and washing my face, I turn the silver handle to shut the water off and grab my lavender towel off it's rack. Wrapping the soft material around me I make my way over to the mirror. I wipe away the steam covering the reflecting surface so I can see myself.

"We're gonna have a good day today, okay?" I ask myself.

"Okay." I sigh knowing I'm only lying to myself. I'm honestly so sick of this. the same routine everyday, the same people, the same feeling, emptiness. I'm just tired and all I want to do is sleep. But I can barely even do that because of my dreams. No not dreams, nightmares. I had them twice last night. The same ones I get every night.

Shaking the horrible visions out of my head I brush my teeth and head back to my room.

Going through my dresser I find a red plaid shirt and dark jeans to wear. After I'm dressed I blow dry my hair until it's strait- or at least as strait as I'm going to make it, and apply mascara and eyeliner, plus a little concealer under my eyes to try and hide the dark circles. When I check the clock it says it's 6:37. The bus arrives around 6:45, so I decide to skip breakfast. I'm not that hungry anyways. Looking at my self in the mirror, I decide I look decent enough and exit my room. Choosing not to wear a jacket, it's a lot nicer than it was yesterday, I just slip into my converse and head to the bus stop.


When I arrive at my 1st period class- Algebra 2, I take a seat near the back of the room. Even as more and more talking and laughing kids start to fill the classroom, It still feels vacant.

The bell rings and our teacher, Mrs. Bell, walks in soon after. She sits on top of her desk and crosses her legs.

"Hello class, today we will be-" she is cut off by the door swinging open. The whole class turns to see who it is. Harry. He's wearing a black V-neck with dark skinny jeans and black boots. It's sort of an 'I don't give a fuck' look, but he can defiantly pull it off. And I'm pretty sure all the other girls in the class agree with me. They all stare at him with there mouths wide open, looking star struck.

"You must be Harry.." Mrs. bell says, lacking the enthusiastic tone her voice usually held.

"The one and only." He smirks. She shakes her head.

"You're late Mr. Styles. Take a seat." she commands

"Yes ma'am." The class chuckles and whispers to each other as Mrs. Bell roles her eyes.

Desolation ~ Harry Styles AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon