Chapter 26

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Where have all the comments been going guys?? I haven't been getting as many in the recent chapters and it depresses me ):

Please please please comment and vote 'cause it really does motivate me to write. I've updated my other story more frequently because that book gets so many more comments... I never really thought that I'd lose motivation for this story but I kinda have. Or at least at the moment.

I honestly have so many plans for this story, and I don't want to lose motivation for it 'cause I feel like that'd just be a waste.

I don't mean to sound bratty or ungrateful, I just really enjoy reading your comments and knowing that people like this story.

I mean if you don't comment at least vote? Especially if you have a story of your own, you know how rewarding it is when you see a vote or a comment on your story.

But to all of you who do comment and vote, I really appreciate it!

So yeah lol please comment and vote, hope you like the chapter! There are some intense Brarry moments, as promised 😏 Love you guys xx


The mephitic smell of gasoline lingers in my nostrils as I pump fuel into my mom's shitty station wagon. I'm finally able to drive myself to and from school with her car now that she idiotically decided to quite her job at the lingerie shop and become a prostitute, but now that means I have to pay for the gas.

As I wait for the tank to fill, watching the price go up on the miniature screen that displays how much gas I've taken along with how much it costs, my eyes travel to a laminated piece of printer paper that states a quote in black ink,

'We should learn to be selfless, patient, and understanding.' Is all that's written, printed in bold, black ink, and I furrow my brow as I think about the quotes relevance to me at the moment... and why the fuck it's posted at a gas station.

My thoughts travel to Harry. I haven't talked to him since our little argument yesterday, and I feel terrible for complaining to him. I've tried to text and call him, but only a few times because I got tired of him not answering me.

I look back to the quote pasted in front of me and sigh. I should learn to be selfless, patient, and understanding. I thought I was, but after everything Harry said last night, I feel like I've been the opposite of all those things.

The gas pump clicks in my hand, signaling that my tank is now full, and I remove it from the opening in my car before closing the lid and putting it away.

After paying, I seat myself back into the warmth of my mom's car, and put the vehicle into drive, speeding out of the odorous gas station.

As I make my way back home, the though of Harry begins to surface in my mind once again. I hate how he's mad at me, it gives me an uneasy feeling. The pit in my stomach continues to sink, and I soon find myself making a reckless U-turn, earning several loud and pissed off honks from other drivers on the road, and I begin to drive the car towards Harry's house in hope that he's home.

My feet create a light patting sound as I hop up Harry's steps toward his front door, knocking on the hard wood softly, but loud enough to make sure I'm heard.

Just moments later, the door opens up, revealing Harry's mom.

"Brianna, it's so nice to see you." She smiles at me. She has such a nice smile. It's big and bright, and it's one of those smiles that you just know is real.

"Hi, you too. Is Harry home?" I ask her, already knowing the answer. I saw his truck in the driveway when I parked my mom's car.

"Erm yeah, come in." She nods, stepping to the side and allowing me to step inside before she closes the door.

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