Chapter 31

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I don't like this chapter because I just want to get to the next one and it was slightly rushed 😳 lol sorry. I hope it's at least bearable. Please vote and comment, ily guys ❤️❤️❤️

The gif for this chapter keeps disappearing so if you don't see it, I'll try to fix it soon xx

Songs for this chapter:

*Heart of Gold - Birdy
*Shelter - Birdy (there are many different interpretations of this song, but the way I see it, it fits perfectly with this chapter.)


The air smelled of sweat and cheap alcohol as I choked it in. I hated parties. There were always too many people; drunk and sex crazed. It just wasn't my kind of scene. I preferred to get drunk by myself, where I could drown in self sorrow on my own.

I continued to search through the crowd of unknown faces as I tried to find Tyler. He had run off with one of his friends, Kevin, I think his name was, quite some time before, and I was getting sick of standing in the kitchen of some person's house whom I didn't even know the name of.

Eventually, I spotted my boyfriend leaning against a beige painted wall, recognizing his short black hair and worn leather jacket as he suckled on his drink. His eyes danced with flirtation and the side of his mouth curved up as he smiled at the girl in front of him... Using that same smile that I fell for when I first met him. The girl he was talking to was named, Holly. She was one of Tyler's colleagues that I knew he was messing around with, and had been even before he met me.

I stared at them, waiting for them to notice my presence, and once I gained Tyler's attention, I gained Holly's as well. She looked my body up and down with an evident amount of disgust that I knew she wasn't doing much to hide, and my eyes fell in discomfort. Her look of disapproval was just a reminder of my age and immaturity. I was only an emotionally unstable sixteen year old, while Holly was proudly set in her mid-twenties; her body fully developed into a curvaceous figure.

"Brianna..." Tyler called for me, his voice fading out as I walked past several people and out the door of this small house. Even though I had a sweater on, the chilly fall air blew through the knitted fabric, and I felt the icy burn of the wind nip at my skin.

The weak boards creaked under the weight of my body as I rushed down the old wooden steps of the front porch. My legs carried me quickly along the sidewalk that bordered the road next to me, but the progress I was making away from the party came to an end when I felt a strong hand grab my arm and pull me back.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Tyler's voice sounded from behind me, and he turned me around to face him. I looked up at he man in front of me. His face was dimly lit with various colors from the city lights shinning on the side of his face, and the orange from the street lamps twinkled like fire in the black of his eyes.

"I'm not really in the mood to watch my boyfriend hit on another girl all night." I admit. Seeing Tyler with Holly hurt, I wouldn't lie about that... but I felt as if it should've hurt more. It was only a subtle sting that I felt; it was just a lit match hovering a bit too closely to my skin.

Tyler sighed, his grip on my arm loosening, but still holding firmly enough to keep me from moving. He looked up to the sky as if he were contemplating with himself before he looked down to me.

"You know I don't like you walking alone, especially at night in the city. Do you know how many bums there are out here?" Tyler dodged the subject. I continued to stare up at him, questioning myself. How did I get into a relationship like this?

Desolation ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now