Chapter 28

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Zayn 😪 I hope you all are doing okay... I'm not, but writing actually kinda helps me through it sort of. That sting just won't go away though.

If you need to talk I'm always here ❤️

Probably so many mistakes in this chapter because I'm tired af but please vote and comment as much as you guys did on the last two chapters cause they all make me smile. Love you, hope you enjoy Brarry 😁


Harry and I don't end up stopping at a hotel until after 9pm, even though we left before three. First, Harry ended up driving for far more than an hour because the both of us became distracted with steady conversation. Second, we got hungry and stopped at a restaurant to eat. And lastly, Harry felt the need to stop and get high. He put up a strong argument on how I should "live a little", and his intimidating words and stares got the best of me.

"This is the shittiest hotel I've ever seen... and I've seen a lot of shitty hotels." I comment, distaste twisting my face as Harry leads me into the room after unlocking it with the key j his hand.

"You're the one who gave me a fucking budget, so this is your fault." He huffs and throws his stuff on the floor before jumping onto the bed and extending his limbs so he's taking up nearly the entire surface.

"Well you wouldn't let me help pay, and I didn't want you wasting all of your money for something stupid like this." I defend myself, setting my things down gently next to where Harry tossed his bag before looking around the small room.

"Harry..." I say and he hums out a response as he lays on th bed, his eyes closed.

"There's only one bed..." I note and Harry's brows furrow together before he opens his eyes, rotating his head to observe the room we have for the weekend.

"What the hell... I swear I said two beds." He grumbles while standing from the bed and making his way over to a small table set up against the wall beside the TV. Harry's frown doesn't leave his face as he dials a number into the telephone placed on the table and brings it to his ear.

"Hey, my friend and I just rented room 27 for the weekend and we asked for two beds but there's only one. Can you get us another room?" Harry talks into the phone, his tone sharp, and I can tell he's irritated.

"What the hell do you mean there's no other rooms left, this place is dead." He exclaims, leaning against the table in front of him for support. I roll my eyes at him. Maybe if he wasn't such a dick while we were originally at the front desk to check out a room, the lady working would be more cooperative with him. He's really not good with people.

"Well fuck you too then." He spits, slamming the phone back onto its holder before huffing and stalking over to the bed.

"We can just stay someplace else." I suggest and Harry shakes his head as he seats himself at the foot of the bed.

"That bitch told me she won't give me a refund." He curses, frustration tightening his brow.

"... Don't you usually pay after you check out of a hotel?" I say after remembering the usual payment process after staying in a hotel.

"Fuck everyone." Harry groans as he realizes it too, and I chew on my lip as I try to figure out the sleeping arrangements.

"I'll just sleep on the couch." Harry says, stealing my idea, and I nod before agreeing. Even after minutes pass, the muscles in Harry's face don't relax. He just sits there on the bed, looking down at his hands as he twiddles his thumbs, seeming to be deep in thought.

"Why are you mad at your mom?" I ask, remembering our conversation yesterday at his house. The frown on his face grows as the words leave my mouth, and he looks up at me.

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