chapter 27: "Our parents have history"

Start from the beginning

I am now wearing a blue plain crop top and dark blue high waist jeans, one of Sydney's beautiful charm bracelet was round my wrist, a black beanie was sitting on my head and, Sydney helped me with light make up and finally I was ready

As soon as I was done I called my driver and told him where Bryan lived, after 20 minutes we finally located his house , then I told the driver (Fred) to drop me a few blocks away from Bryan's house and walked the rest.

I noticed my surrondings, it is actually a very small and quiet neighborhood and nothing like where I live, the houses here are small but in my neighborhood the houses are large you could even mistake it for a castle.

When I check the time, it's 1 minute till 7 o'clock, so I ring the bell.

The door opens and standing in front of me is a gorgeous looking woman, probably in her late thirties, her brown hair is so long, waist lenght actually.

"You must Maddison" she smiled at me and gestured for me to come in.

I nodded and walked in feeling goosebumps rise on my skin.

"Hi I'm Anna , it's so nice to finally meet you, Bryan has told us so much about you" she exclaimed "I feel like I already know you so well, which is odd because I just met you in person, wow now I'm talking too much"

"Oh leave the girl alone Anna" a manly voice says.

"Hi I'm Andrew McClain, it's a pleasure meeting you" he said.

"The pleasure is all mine sir" I look closely at this man-andrew, he looks so much like Bryan.

"Mom, Dad is Maddie here yet" Bryan yelled from his room I suppose.

"Yes she is " they said in unison and lead me to the dinning table filled with all sort of food.

"Wow" I gasped without even realising it.

"I know, my mom likes to go all out" bryan stood next to me.

"Lets sit and eat" Andrew said.

"So what are you going to study when you get to university" andrew asked.

"Theatre art, since I want to be an actress" I told him.

"Oh yes I remember you were the one that played Juliet during the showcase" Anna smiled at me " gosh my dear you are so fascinating, you played juliet's part perfectly"

"Thank you" I tried not to blush and looked at Bryan who is sitting next to me, he seems to find the conversation amusing.

"What university did you choose"Anna asked.

"I chose Manitoba in Canada"

"Wow, what a coincidence Bryan happens to be going to Winnipeg!!" Anna exclaimed.

"Bryan told us that you are struggling with leukemia, it's so sad to know that at such a young age you have had to go through such a terrible thing, how are you coping" Andrew queried.

"I'm doing great actually, I've gone through chemotherapy and it turns out it's successful, I guess I'll be fine"after answering andrew it looked like he was satisfied with my answer.

"Who are your parents and what do they do for a living, I would like to meet them someday" he asked.

"My mum Lillian Thompson is a fashion designer, and my dad Evan Thompson is a lawyer-"

A fork or spoon I don't really know which dropped and soon all eyes were on Anna

"Your father is Evan Thompson?" She asked me.

I looked at Bryan and he looked confused.

I look back at Anna and nodded to answer her question, soon the whole table fell silent.


Looks like our parents have history.

Hi there.

Oh my gosh I reached 400 reads.

Ahhhh. Jgdhdhjfhjdkdh

Thank you thank you thank you,this is the best early birthday present.

If you're wondering my birthday is on the 7th of September.

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Also this chapter is dedicated to my amazing friend inaayaj she is sooo awesome :) 💖.

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