28 - Falling

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"It sounds a little bit like knights in my old world."

A carriage draws up pulled by two horses and bearing the royal crest; a lion and a bear stood rampant.

I help Elissa inside and sink into the plush seat beside her, grateful to Gawain for making the arrangements. It will certainly afford us a more comfortable journey and a more discrete arrival. I do not care for a big fuss.

Avoiding Leo's eyes, I turn to Elissa and say, "I have spoken with the king and he will grant you sanctuary. We are to dine at his table tonight."

She blanches slightly. "Tonight? Whatever am I to wear?" Her voice holds an edge of panic.

Leo leans forward, placing a hand on her knee and reassures, "Do not concern yourself. I have known King Torbjorn all my life. He is a good man."

Though I am irked by the sight of my brother's hand on Elissa, I still do not dare to meet his eyes. Really, I should be pleased that they get on, only I cannot help wishing that they were not quite so friendly.

Last night in the inn, we were discussing our animal forms and Leo transformed into his lion. It took all my control to stop the tiger from breaking free when she ran her fingers through his mane.

I fidget, uncomfortable in my seat. The interior of the carriage feels claustrophobic, so I gaze out of the window in an attempt to distract myself and stare absentmindedly at the boutique shops lining the wide boulevard.

Then a brilliant idea strikes me and I order the coachman to stop. Helping Elissa out, I guide her into a double fronted shop displaying fine gowns and evening wear. An assistant immediately approaches, but I wave her away and confidently walk over to an ivory ball gown embroidered with claret and gold flowers.

"Yes, I think this is the one."

Elissa whispers, "That looks expensive."

I give her a disarming smile. "Fret not, for my credit is good."

While I am waiting for Elissa to try on the dress, I order a waistcoat to be made in the same material, confident that it is the right choice for her.

I am proven right when she appears wearing the dress and does a twirl; she looks positively radiant. My heart leaps and I stand there speechless.

Leo chooses that moment to stride into the shop. "What is taking so ..." Whatever he meant to say is cast aside and he smiles. "Elissa you look absolutely enchanting."

"Thank you, Leo." She beams up at him.

I clench my jaw and the voice of the tiger complains in my head. He should not be the one to compliment my female.


As the carriage draws to a halt outside the castle, I feel my stomach churning with nerves.

I help Elissa down and find myself reluctant to let go of her hand. "I would show you to your room, but I really should see my parents."

She places her other hand over mine. Kindness and empathy shine from her eyes. "Of course, you must go to your parents at once. They must have been worried sick for you. I can find my way, well, I may need a guide."

Gawain steps in. "I will escort lady Elissa to her chambers and make sure that she is comfortably settled."

"Thank you, Gawain. If you are sure that it is not too much trouble." She smiles sweetly at Arcadia's captain of the guard. I have witnessed men quake before him, but she seems to have brought out his softer side.

I watch for a moment as they go in the opposite direction, then Leo puts an arm around my shoulder and walks with me to our parents' chambers. I am mindless to the guards and servants scurrying to get out of our way.

As soon as I walk through the door, I am almost bowled over by mother. She sobs on my shoulder and I think for the most part that they are tears of joy, or at least relief. I myself am close to tears too and take a deep breath to regain my composure.

"At long last my home is complete. The past few moons have been intolerable," she laments and I hug her tightly. I hate that I have brought her such anguish.

"That was a damned foolish thing you did, Aren. You need to consider your position," father half growls, his bear close to the surface.

I hang my head. I was a fool.

"Darling, please," mother beseeches him. "This is a day to rejoice, not stir up old wounds. What is done cannot be undone. Has he not suffered enough?"

Father nods and envelopes me in a crushing hug. "And you say your freedom is all due to this girl you were imprisoned with?"

The thought of Elissa causes me to beam and I belatedly notice father's expression, particularly his knowing look and the twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

Hastily, I school my features. "Yes, father. Elissa grew up without any knowledge of magic and yet was able to defeat Nero's enchantments. If not for her, I would still be languishing in that wretched cage."

"You may be interested to know that the Watcher insisted that she be given protection, even before you asked for it."

It is rare for one of the Watchers to intervene like that. Mind you, it is even rarer for a unicorn to consort with one of us.

My female is unique, the tiger insists and for once I do not argue with him.


AN - the song is Castle on the hill by Ed Sheeran.
Well Elissa & Leo have made it up, much to Aren's chagrin.

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