He moved the telescope again and this time it was Saturn.

"Can you see the rings?" He asked and I nodded slowly, focusing on the image.

"Wow." I said breathlessly, pulling back from it."

He looked down at me, a soft and tender look that melted me straight away.

"Yeah." He said slowly, his eyes burning right into mine.

I understood in that very moment that I was a goner.


"You know, we've only a week left until the 22nd." He said and I looked over in surprise, as my face paled. I knew that the date was coming, each day was ticking down until it would finally hit us.

I hadn't heard anything from CURRENT, which unnerved me, only seven more days left and my life as I knew it would completely change. If everything worked out, I couldn't even imagine how my life would be.

"Finely, you know that if we manage to get rid of CURRENT. The world line in which we met won't exist anymore."

My heart shattered into a million pieces when he said that, but I pushed into the corner of my chest.

"I know."

My voice shook.

"But this is the only way."

His hand found mine in the dark, and that small little action filled me with peace. Everything would be okay.

Everything would have to be okay

"I didn't have a normal childhood. As a kid, my parents were in the lab. I rarely saw them. I can remember snippets, I remember my mom's brown wavy hair and how she'd sneak into my room late at night sometimes if she was home. she'd sit by my bed and talk to me, and that was all I wanted. I think I saw my dad maybe once a year, he didn't make the effort to be there." Oscar spoke, breaking me out of my trace. I turned to look at him but he was staring out at the sky, a glassy look in his eyes.

"I received money in my bank account every year and It was seen as a substitute to a family, it was so lonely. I was so angry, I shut myself away from everyone, I'm not the most social person. I had Trev, but other than that I didn't think I needed anyone anymore. When the only two people that I'd ever loved completely abandoned me, I couldn't stand the thought of getting close to people. Then my parents died and everything changed.

All I wanted was to know them but someone took that choice away from me. I was filled with so much regret. That's why I need to go back, to save them. I never had anyone in my life who was there for me consistently, and then you came, like a ball of energy. You changed everything Finley. I mightn't know everything about what I feel, but I know it's something. I've never been close to anyone like this."

I turned to him, amazed by the wild emotions running through his eyes. I'd never seen him look so intense. I smiled gently.

"But I hate it. Because when that day comes, if it changes everything then I have to pretend I never met you."

He let out a choked breath, his panicked eyes finding mine.

"Can I do that Finley?"

I looked up, my tired eyes glassy with unshed tears.

"My parents died when I was four. I had my grandma and she's everything to me. She showered me with all the love I needed. I can only remember bits of my parents, barely anything. But I used to look through their old photo albums, I was intrigued. All their candid shots were so beautiful, the way they looked at each other was all the confirmation I needed that they loved each other more than life itself. The thought of caring for someone that much scared me, they could be your whole world or ruin it. But I think it's worth it, you're worth the risk." I whispered so quietly, if there was any noise he wouldn't of heard it.

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