Part 15

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It's crazy to think that I have spent over 2 and a half months away from home. But it's even crazier to think I won't be seeing these guys tomorrow when I wake up. They have all come to take me to the airport, to wish me farewell. This past week we have just been making the most of each other's company, especially Elliot and I. Elizabeth keeps complaining about us kissing and being too cute all the time, but I don't care. And besides our kissing skills are definitely improving if I do say so myself. But now it's all come to an end and I don't know how I can say goodbye. God I am going to miss them all, I haven't had this much fun with anyone is years. But when I get back home I know what I am going to do. I'm going to find some new friends who actually want to talk about the same stuff I do and try my best everyday just to be myself. A couple of days ago I bought Elliot a journal similar to the one he gave me. I told him to write in it every day, and that I would write in my every day. So that when we next see each other we can see what the other person has been doing, like we have been next to each other all along. And skype. There will be a lot of that. Because text messages and international calls are bloody expensive. But we will make it work. I'm sure. And then when school finishes next year, who knows? Who knows what will happen? Maybe I'll move to England or Elliot will move over here, but it's so far away only time will tell. At last reach the terminal. And reluctantly I have to say goodbye. Melony strangles me as per usual, and then everyone else joins in. I manage to keep the tears at bay until I have to say goodbye to Elliot. And then we are both just a crying mess. He holds me close to him and whispers in my ear.

"I love you Katie okay? Don't forget that when you're gone." He pulls away from the hug. "I got you something." He pulls out a mini snow globe from under his jacket.

"Elliot its beautiful thank you!" I hug him tight again. "I will think of you every time I see it, of my little snowflake." He laughs.

"Not the manliest pet name." I shake my head at him and settle down.

"Write to me Elliot. I want to know every thought and poem that fills your head during the day no matter how cheesy or ludicrous it sounds." He wipes the tears from my face, "I don't want to leave you." He smiles.

"I'll come visit, in the holidays Elizabeth and I can take trips over." Elizabeth scrunches up her face.

"I'll pass if all you plan to do is suck each other's faces off the whole time." We both laugh.

"Okay I gotta go. I love you." I steal one last kiss from him before walking onto the escalator. As I descend down onto the ground I look up and they are all waving and cheering. I will miss them. I already do.


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