Part 3

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Second day was much like the first. Attending classes, eating lunch, hanging out after dinner. Talking to Elizabeth when it's lights out before I go to sleep. It has been pretty much the same routine for two weeks now, and it's been really fun but it's starting to hit me hard. Home. I miss it. Hot summer days and my bedroom and my popular friends. My family, the familiarity in my life that I have been missing. That and study, god I'm finding it so hard to study at the moment. Back at home I used to study in my bedroom, it was just my little place where I felt most complete. I feel so homesick, to the point where I actually feel sick. And around here I just feel completely exposed all the time, like someone is watching me. And maths is driving me insane.

"Hey what are you doing up here?" I smile, we have talked that often these past few weeks that I don't need to look up to know who it is.

"Hey Elliot, struggling with my classes and trying to study so I thought I'd some to the library." He frowns.

"On a weekend?" I shrug.

"Yeah, why not?" He shrugs back.

"Well I don't know; most people don't tend to some to the library on weekends. They think it's boring." I smirk at him.

"Well then what are you doing here?" He chuckles.

"I am a fanboy nerd geek boy remember? Rules of being a socially acceptable person do not apply to me. Anyway, what are you struggling with?" I look at him.

"Maaaaaaaaaths." I pretend to sob into my textbook. "Whhhhhy?!" Elliot bursts out laughing.

"Well I can tell you that you are not struggling with drama by any means, you know if you want I can help you out." I shake my head.

"No, I don't want to take up your time or anything." He laughs.

"Oh, and they say us British are the polite ones, Australians aren't falling far behind. Besides I literally have nothing else to do so I don't mind helping." I shuffle over to make room for him.

"Alright, if you insist." He smiles and pulls out his textbooks from his bag.

"So, what exactly are you stuck on?" I rest my head on the desk.

"Everything." He raises his eyebrows at me, "Okay, okay, mainly integration. Like calculus, when will I ever use this in my life?" He shakes his head.

"It's more common than you think actually, but anyway what exactly about integration are you stuck on?" I sigh.

"I don't know, it's kind of hard to know what I get when I feel like I'm not getting any of it, it's like a whole other language. Give me an English essay and I'll finish it tonight for you but math, I mean I was in the lowest maths class in school so that says something." He frowns at me. "Sorry, I just miss home I guess." He nods.

"That's understandable, what's your home like? Do you have any siblings?" I shake my head.

"No only child, I wasn't blessed with a twin unfortunately." He rolls his eyes, "Home is nice, it's a small house cause it's just the three of us, but it works. I have my own room, and everything is just so... familiar. And I miss the sun!" He laughs.

"Yeah you kiss that goodbye when you live here, well if you ever need anything else just let me know okay?" I nod.

"Thanks Elliot, again." He smiles as he sets his schoolbooks side by side with mine.

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