Part 5

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Several days go by and Elliot and I spend more and more time with each other. From talking between classes to extra "study" (basically just more talking) in the library, we always seem to be by each other's side almost 24/7. We sit next to each other during lunch as well, which gets a questionable gaze from Elizabeth.

I get my stuff together and hop into bed and turn off the lights. But Elizabeth turns it back on.

"Hey what's up." She's smirking darkly at me.

"You know it hasn't gone unnoticed that you spend an awful lot of time with my dear brother of late." She raises her eyebrows at me. Crap I'm so busted right now. I try to keep it cool.

"Oh yeah, he's a really nice guy, he's been helping me with maths at the moment a lot." She nods her head over-enthusiastically.

"Maths. Sure." I roll my eyes at her and turn over.

"Whatever I'm going to bed." She speaks again, but her voice has lost all sarcasm and mockery.

"Katie, I have never seen Elliot so happy in all the years I've known him, or happy with someone else. Elliot is pretty shy, he talks to the girls cause they are my friends but he doesn't typically go out of his way to associate with people. He likes to keep to himself." I turn back over and face Elizabeth.

"Really?" She nods.

"Do you like him?" I bite my lip and smile as I feel my cheeks heat up. I nod and she smiles.

"I think so." She nods back.

"Okay." She then turns off the lights and rolls over to go to sleep. Several minutes pass before she speaks again.

"Hey Katie?"

"Yeah?" She pauses for a moment.

"Just don't hurt him okay? Especially since you are only here for a while, I don't want to have to pick up all the pieces once you leave."

"Yeah of course." I understand. What she is trying to say. Let Elliot go. Because before I know it I'll be back home and whether I like to admit it or not, I will never see these people again. I try to ignore these thoughts as I go to sleep but the silent tears covering my face prove that I can't. I dread the day I will miss them.

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