Wardrobe Changes and Ninja Moves

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I happily bounced around my room at the thought of going on a mission with the boys. I packed as I went, throwing the bare necessities into a backpack I was going to bring. Definitely my phone, a sweatshirt, extra socks (because you never know), and tooth paste. I nodded at myself as I shoved the last few things in.

I clicked on my phone to check the time and the faces of my best friends lit up to greet me. We were all squished into frame, making the goofiest faces. I smiled at the thought of being reunited with them.


A little tap on my door made me jump before I breathed a sigh of relief to calm myself down. "Come on in."

The door opened the the spiky haired fire ninja, a smirk across his face. "Ready for tonight?"

I eagerly nodded, eyes bright. "Heck yes! I'm so excited, I just finished packing and I can't wait to help and itsthefirstmissionivebeenonwithyouguysand-"

"Woah woah woah. If you're sneaking in, you can't be wearing THAT." He interjected and I huffed in a breath of air.

"It's dark outside, and a bright colored shirt would give you away." Right. Forgot about that.

With a frown, I dug through my drawer to find a black sweatshirt and pants to match, then went to change in my bathroom.

Kai approved, but his smile fell when he saw my hair.

"That could give you away too." The boy grumbled and shook his head in thought, pacing about my room.

Suddenly, he sped out, leaving me in a confused haze. He returned with a mask and Cole in tow.

"She can use your mask right, bud?" Kai questioned, seems overly excited.

And without waiting for an answer, he shoved the mask over my head. I fumbled around to get it situated so I could see, hair poking out at weird angles. I would have to fix it before I could actually wear it.

"Uh huh, whatever. Look, hot head, we gotta go. It getting close to midnight."


I hid behind some cargo boxes on the dock, out of sight. A small paddle boat had pulled up to the dock as people met with a man who looked as if he hadn't gotten enough sleep, then boarded the boat.

The ninja were supposed to provide some sort of distraction to allow me time to hop on the boat.

Just as Lloyd began to argue with my brother, Garmadon came rushing down the pier.

"Stop son. I'm coming with you." He growled before pushing Lloyd away from Jay. I winced, seeing how this wasn't going to plan.

"Clouse." Lloyd's father hissed at the man who was helping people onto the ship.

"Garmadon. Long time, no see."

I took this as my chance, and snuck behind the bickering men and onto the ship. The outer part of the deck was open for the Masters to walk around on, yet the inner circle of the deck was covered in old boxes. I fit snugly between two boxes and the shadows hid me.

I took a deep breath in, and the soft smell of Coles mask hit my nose. I smiled, I had never really realized that he smelled good. You know, that sweet boy smell? All boys smell good. Unless they're sweaty, then ew.

I slunk down further, and placed my backpack on my legs to keep me warm. I felt the boat rock to one side as we began our trek.

And I was lulled off to sleep.

Sharp sunlight hit my eye as I blinked awake. A single ray had drifted between the crates to lay perfectly on my eye and I grumbled.

Then I sharply sat up with realization. I had just made it to the island. I slowly got up, making sure to be as silent as possible, and crept out.

The boat was empty and tied to a dock which stretched out from a fortified island. As I looped my arms through my backpack straps, I stared in awe.

A wall laid on the island, in which was built structures which resembled houses, tall and towering.

I began my walk up to the gates, taking in the massive place.

"Hey! You!"
A voice stopped me in my tracks. I winced and my shoulders met my ears. I had been caught.

"Master of Earth! Please return to your chambers immediately!" The voice boomed and I looked up to see a soldier atop the wall.

He thought I was Cole.

Bless that boy for giving me his ninja mask!

I decided to play it off. "Uh, I got lost! Where's my room again?" I asked in my huskiest man voice.

I could practically hear his eyes roll. "Fourth floor, Master Cole."

I nodded in appreciation before the giant doors creaked open for me to walk through. I shuffled through and quickly into the biggest building.

The bottom floor was open with stairs leading up the center. I listened for anyone, but when that came up empty, I dashed to the fourth floor.

Luck was on my side today as the elements of each master were written on the outside of the door.

Shadow... nope.

Metal... nada.

Form... no.

Earth! Yes! That's what I was looking for.

I pushed on the handles of the heavy doors and ushered myself in.

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