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One girl legit said: "I don't support feminism bc I like wearing bras and

shaving my armpits^ R u serious though?

(What is this, the 60's?)

Ok so I feel really strongly about feminism. I am a feminist and I support equal rights of women. Lets get one thing straight, modern day feminism is nothing like it was even thirty years ago.

What still needs to change:

• same pay as their male counterparts

• equal job opportunities

• It's a fact that 9 out of 10 of the people that work in college admission choose male sounding names over female.

• Certain countries (Saudi Arabia) treat women as inferior to men

• The mentality that women must be submissive to men

• The mentality that a woman shouldn't work

• Fix your own sandwich (well unless you have the money for my charging fee)

I am all for shaving my pits bc let's face it, some girls are extremely hairy. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just MY preference on me. )

So I guess I'm a liberal feminist.

I'm trying to be nicer in my rants can you tell by my calmness?

-from a feminist that automatically dislikes you if you're sexist

Davina (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

how to piss me off (RANTS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon