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Hello my children. Davina is back to rant. 11 reads and I posted this story 11 hours ago. Coincidence? (4 am-3pm)

To start this rant, let's talk about Black baptism.

Baptist preachers went into slave plantations and preached religion onto slaves in hopes that being Christian would discourage escape.

wbc stands for westboro baptist church

aka the "god hates fags" people.

first of all, no. just no.


Westboro Baptist Church Blames Overly Crispy Pancakes on U.S. Gay Marriage Support

" Having previously blamed calamities such as Hurricane Katrina and the recent Oklahoma tornado on U.S. support for gay rights, one prominent member of the Westboro Baptist Church seems to be broadening the attack. Leading church representative Wilbur Turkett recently posted to the church's MySpace page, "Damn homos responsible for ruining breakfast!" Pressed for clarification by several of the group's followers, Mr. Turkett elaborated by stating that he had made breakfast that morning and it "wasn't any good at all, especially the pancakes, which were basically black on the bottom."

Even previously ardent supporters of Mr. Turkett's MySpace comments, including user "Godlovesmenotyou" seemed a bit confused by the connection. "So wait, basically, you just burned the pancakes?" Other conservative church members following the discussion offered suggestions, "I know that we blame gay supporters for a lot of things, but are you sure the pan wasn't just too hot?" One church leader commonly credited with devising the church's controversial practice of picketing funerals posted, suggesting that Mr. Turkett, "make sure to use plenty of oil, preferably canola."

"No, no, no," Turkett wrote, "this was a direct result of the God-hating, queer-loving, liberal, American support for gay love, just like the eruption of Mount St. Helens, the Indian Ocean tsunami, and my walnut brownies that got bits of eggshell mixed into the batter." Top church leader Fred Phelps Jr. then made a rare social media comment, stating that while gays are responsible for the downfall of western civilization, Turkett's wife "should clearly do all cooking in the house from here on out." Phelps did go on to blame homosexuality for the difficult parking situation at his local grocery store, "especially right after work, when I really just need to grab a few things and get home." „

This guy blamed gay people for ruining his pancake.

Um. here's a thought, maybe you're just not a good cook? that's a possibility right?

my dislike for this group of people began when they protested a 1d concert and called them "fag enablers" (i used to be an obsessed fan but now i'm not. i still love 'em they're the bæs. )

i was casually watching queen latifah reruns on youtube and i came across tyra banks' show. it was about a lady from the wbc that hated "fags" and "fag enablers". SHE HAS HER CHILDREN BRAINWASHED INTO HATING "HOMOS"

it was horrible. they had no friends outside their church. i pitied them. i even have friends (OMG REALLY?!1!) and i'm an awkward being. & the second tyra asked about life besides the church, they transformed. (look up crazy baptist lady on tyra banks on youtube pt.2)

Summary of this highly unorganised rant: WBC gives baptists and Christians in general a bad name.

-from a Baptist girl who automatically dislikes you because of your stupidity

Davina (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

how to piss me off (RANTS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora