number 8

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Name. Kim Seungmin
Name. 17


,,hoi Hannie"

Seungmin sat on the older's bed, looking at him, clearly bored.
,,Did you just make a pun out of my name"
The older was positioned at his desk, typing away on his laptop.

,,You're so weird since yesterday" The younger pouted and collapsed on the bed, his eyes staring at the ceiling.

,,Huh?" The older's eyes moved to the younger who was laying on his bed, giving him all his attention.
,,I'm saying that my BESt friends since kindergarten is acting weird" highlighting the 'best', Seungmin rolled his eyes.

,,I'm just trying to figure something out, Minnie" Jisung rolled around with his rollchair, facing the screen again, letting a sight out of the youngers mouth.

,,Something more important than your cute friend?" Seungmin doing a little aegyo after his sentence, closed his eyes, cringing at himself.
Jisung just shook his head.
He closed his laptop, walking over to his bed, and sitting on it.
Seungmin sat up and waited expectant for his friend to talk.

,,You know our numbers on our wrists? The ones you always said makes us soulmates"
Seungmin grinned and freed his wrist from his pullover sleeves, then nodded aggressively after looking at the 8 on it.

,,So yesterday when I went to the movies with Jaemin and Mark (ayYe Nctzen where y'all at hihu), I met a guy named Hyunjin on.. The toilet- anyways he Had a number like ours, his number is 5 tho"
Seungmins eyes widened ,,For real?"

,,Yes, and we thought, when there's 5, 6 and 8 there must be other number too, right?"
Seungmin nodded finding this was what made sense.
,,And how do you think you're gonna find them?"

,,I dont know Minnie, but I hope we'll get answers to our questions soon"



2 of my ulti groups are performing RN in my country (in Europe like hell this happens every blue moon)
One of them being stray kids :")
I'm about to die everyone's partying with Stray kids, exo, gidle, wanna one and Taemin in Berlin while I'm sitting in my bed, 2hours away from them :")
I even had the money to go to the concert but my mom said Berlin's too far away???? (Like she's aloud me to go further places before idk)
Anyways I can't go and I'm pressed asf :")

Well at least I'm breathing the same air as them.
God I could've seen Suho
My ultultult bias
Fuck life hihu

Hope yalls have a better day then me

15 | september2018

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