number 4

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Name. Seo Changbin
Age. 18



Chagbin pulled up his back of the shoe thingy and threw on a thin, dark jacket coat.
He took the keys off the counter and made his way outside, where the sun was setting already, which made him take a glance to his watch.
,,Winter is coming a little too fast"
He shivered at the coldness his jacket couldn't protect.

Then he started walking and he did so for the next 10 minutes, until he reached the familiar grocery store he went to every now and then.

He entered the store making the little bell over the door jingle.
He slowly walked through the store, looking around.
There weren't many people in the store, as usual.
An old woman, a little boy with his mom, and a boy probably his age or older.

But when he looked at the boy he suddenly felt something sting very hard on his wrist, which made him shut his eyes very tightly.
Shit, he thought as he bit his lower lip.

He opened his eyes to see that the boy has moved to another corner of the room.

Changbun choose to ignore the stinging and broke his stare from the boy.

He went and picked the products listet on his shopping list, which his mother wrote for him beforehand, and went to buy them.

,,Thank you for your visit" the worker said and bowed at Chagbin as he took the see through plastic bags.
He bowed a little and grabbed the bags.

With his hood pulled over his head, he made his way out of the store.
As he walked over to the door, he eyed the people once again, the boy had left.

I don't know why, but he's giving me a weird feeling.

Changbean was confused but tried his best to ignore it, as he was on his way home.
He sat down on a bench in a small, calm park, to eat a sandwich he bought earlier, and just enjoy the calmness for a moment.

Changbin is actually a loud and funny person, but even him, the one who people least expect to, wants to be alone sometimes and enjoy peace.

His closed eyes shot open when he felt the hard stinging on his wrist again.
He looked up to see the face of the boy he saw earlier in the store.

,,So you're Changbin, huh?"


I'm sowwy for being lazy
But tell me if you like the story hi

03 | september2018

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