The plot is thicking

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Dear Diary, Sep 18. 18
I've read all the letters from my biological mother last night. She sounded so unreasonably nice and optimistic even though she was denied the ability to have visitation rights. She was asking for much, being perfectly fine with supervised visits with both of my parents presents. Every letter was filled with how much she loved and missed me along with progress on her life getting better. One of the letter actually had a picture of her and my biological father at the hospital. We looked like a family, and we looked happy. Apparently, my dad was a firefighter and he died in a fire a year after I was born. Mother claims it was no accident or she didn't think it was. So I guess this is were my search begins, I will find my mother.
Keith Kogane
I wanted to show the others the letters to ask for their advice. So we went to our hang out, the dinner is the perfect place to meet up for us. We come here all the time. If anyone is to know what to do, it would be Pidge. She's incredibly logical when it comes to this stuff. The other guys could add some light to the subject as well.
"So you're telling me, you biological mother, who was a part of the galra gang, has written letters to you up till the age of 7? Do you really think it's a good idea to try and find this woman? She is an ex gang member" Pidge asked looking at one of the letters.

"But I want to know her, what kind of person she is, how she's doing. I could finally find out who I could have been. I can fill the void I've had for so long, I can have a mother figure again. Please Pidge, I need your help. You the only person I know that can do this" I say. I wouldn't be lying if I said I wasn't completely desperate. I've always wounded what my story is before I was adopted. I've always wanted to know what kind of life I could have had if I wasn't put up for adoption. I needed to know my whole story and where I came from. What happened between the time I was born and the time I was put up for adoption?

"Keith, I still don't think this is a good idea" she replied, pushing her glasses higher up on her face.

"I'll pay you 20" I say. Pidge was the only one without a job because of her younger age. I knew anything tech related you'd ask her to do, they'd always be a price. She gave me a smirk she only got when she was being sinister or knew something no one else did. She pointed her thumb up, stating she wanted more for her hassle. I let out a sigh and reach for my wallet.

"$34.74 to be exact or that the amount I need to get Detroit: Become Human at target. I already have $25.25, so if you help me, I'll help you" she explains, the smirk never leaving her face.

"I want to play that game soo bad" Lance said, perking up at the name of the game.

"To bad, Xbox user" Pidge teased.

"Shut up Katie, the Xbox one is better than the PS4" Lance argues back. Just than, the waiter delivered our shakes. I I dig through through my wallet to try and get out $35 dollars.

"Fine, here" I say handing over the money. She smiled, giving her thanks before getting out her computer. She began to type as she entered her own little world. I hope she finds something, that was my last $35.

"So while she's doing that, you guys ready for practice this week?" Hunk asked. I could see Lance's eyes light up from the corner of my eye. He loved the sport more than anything.

"Hell yeah I am! I can't wait to get back out on the field and bring us back to the championship this year. Not to mention, if I do great this year I'll definitely have a scholarship calling my name" Lance said with excitement. Only two seniors on the varsity team can get a football scholarship. It was actually the reason I started football in the first place. Shiro needs a break, and most definitely doesn't need to worry on college. Not that our parents insurance wasn't put away for this exact reason, I just want to be able to save that money for an emergency. I've kept my grades as high as I possibly could so I could get one of those two spots.

"I guess you have competition for one of those spots Lance" I say, half way kidding. Considering Hunk's grades, and how amazing he can play, it more than likely already have one of those scholarships.

"Why can't you both get one? Considering how hard you both work, you two might already be in the top five picks already" Hunk said. He did have a point, no one works hard than Lance, it's hard to keep up with him. Trust me, I try really hard to stay at the same place as him, still always far behind.

"But what about you Hunk? You're amazingly smart and play pretty good. Wouldn't you already have one?" I question.

"I have a scholarship for engineering already. The school won't let a student with a scholarship in one subject get a another one in a different subject" Hunk explains. That actually made a lot of sense, why didn't think of that?

"Holy shit, Keith you're biological dad was a hero" Pidge said, bring our attention back to her.

"What do you mean?" I question. She put her laptop where everyone could see. On the screen, an article from three years before I was born. The head line read "Texas Kogane saves five people from an appointment fire" and below it was a picture of the man. He looked so familiar yet like such a stranger. I couldn't put my finger on it at all, but I could feel like I've seen this man before. Then Pidge started to scroll further down to show a picture from the incident. This picture showed him caring out a woman in his arms. The woman looked even more familiar.

"Dude that woman looks exactly like you, but you have your dads smile" Lance added. He could be right, that could be how they looked familiar but not, if that made since.

"You really think so?" I question, still having doubts.

"Look at her hair, she has a mullet just like you. Rat tails are mullets too, you know?" Lance joked. I nudged his arm with my elbow, earning a chuckle from him.

"Anyway, I couldn't find anything on your mother though. Like Krollia Kogane doesn't exist" Pidge explained.

"Really? Nothing?" I question. She nodded no as someone slapped their fists on our table. We all turn to look to see Axca, one of Lotor's sophomore minions. Her blue hair hung right below her ears with her side bangs covering on of her blue eyes. None of the seniors knew much about her other than her first name.

"Why the fuck do you have my mothers name coming out of your mouth?" She asked in a harsh tone.

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