You are worth it

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Dear, Diary.              Sep. 13, 18
Lance hasn't been to school since Monday, and isn't answering his phone. I've been texting him non stop for days and he hasn't replied to me. He's never done this before, especially so close to football season. He's known for having great attendance because he has such a high immune system and almost never gets sick. It was actually really scary, having only miss school for appointments to missing three days of school in a row. Even when he does get sick, he always answers to Hunk. Though Lance and I aren't that close, I still drove to his house after school to make sure he was okay.
            Keith Kogane

Right after I dropped off Hunk and Pidge at their houses, I drove to Lance's place. I knew where he lived but I've never really been in his house before. I was really only rides for the other three, since I was the only one with my own car. So I've only ever dropped him off from time to time. I parked my car at sat there for a good ten minutes contemplating whether or not to actually go knock. Hunk did say not to worry about it, but then again he's been head over heals for Shay since they met. He probably hasn't been thinking about how odd this is for Lance. I'm not trying to say that Hunk doesn't care, it just that he's mind is in a different place. I finally got out of my car, walked up to the door and knocked. A woman who I was guessing was another one of Lance's sister's answered the door. Her hair was a little shorter than shoulder length and was brown. Her brown eyes were hidden behind a set of glasses.

"Hello is Lance home? He hasn't been answering my called or text. I'm his friend Keith" I say as clear as I could with my anxious self.

"Oh yeah, he's in his room. I'm his sister Veronica by the way. Come on in" She explained letting me enter.

"Veronica, who is it mija?" A woman from the kitchen asked. This was more than likely Lance's mother. I looked around the living room to see pictures of Lance's family covering the walls. It must be wonderful to have such a big family.

"It's one of Lance's friends mama, he came to check on him" Veronica said. Their mother walked out of the kitchen and looked semi surprised. It was probably because I've never properly met her before. I've seen her at the games, it's hard to miss them. The whole family has Lance's jersey on and are cheering extremely loud for their Lance.

"I know you, you're that boy Lance always talks about" his mother began to speak. I was shocked, Lance talks about me to his mother? Why would he do that? It's not like we're that close or anything.

"Mama, don't say anything embarrassing for Lance" Veronica said crossing her arms.

"I wasn't going to. You're Keith, the boy he has some sort of "rivalry" with right?" His mother asked. I laughed a bit at the mention of the rivalry that was mostly one sided.

"Yes I'm Keith" I say, before being pulled into a hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you" Mrs. McClain said as she let go. She then looked straight at her daughter and winked at her. Veronica laughed in response as if it was an inside joke.

"It's nice to meet you as well Mrs, McClain. May I go check on Lance though? He hasn't been answering anyone's texts or calls, he's making me worry" I say.

"Yes, of course. Lance's room is the first room on your right up the stairs" Mrs. McClain explained, pointing to the stairs.

"Thank you ma'am" I say as I begin to walk up the stairs. As I was walking I heard Mrs. McClain say something to Veronica.

"Èl es un cutie, y se preocupa por el bienestar de mi bebé. Ese chico es un paquete completo, si Lance lo deja ir, estaré muy decepcionado." His mother said.

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