Missing letters

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Dear Diary              Sep, 16. 18
This weekend, Shiro and I finally decided to clean out some out our attic. It's full of boxes and boxes of our parents old stuff. When they first past, neither of us wanted look at anything that reminded us of our them. We were able to pay for a storage unit while we were staying with Adam so we didn't lose anything important. Now that we've had our own house for a couple years, we're now in a better place and can smile at their memory. Or at lest Shiro can, as for myself, my wounds are still healing. I still think what happened is my fault, I don't understand why Shiro forgave me. I can't even forgive myself.
Keith Kogane
"Hey Keith, come look what I found" Shiro said from his corner of the attic. I placed my book and pen down on the floor next to where I was sitting. I look over to him to see him holding a small stuffed purple hippopotamus. I get up and walk over to him, smiling at my old friend.

"I remember him, I think I named him Yorak or something like that" I say. Shiro handed me the stuff, letting me examine it more closely. It was dusty from old age, and a button eye was missing. It looked homemade, but high quality homemade, like the person who made it have been doing so for a while. This was the only thing I have from my biological parents. It wasn't much but it meant a lot to me growing up. I remember the entire year I was at that horrid orphanage, but nothing of my birth parents. I was left at the door of the worst orphanage in the world at the age of nine months old. I stayed there for an entire year before mom and dad adopted me.

"Isn't that cool! I found an entire box full of all your baby stuff. Even your adoption papers, and photo albums." Shiro explains, lifting up the box.

"Yeah, I guess it is. I get to see how much I've changed over the years" I say putting the hippo in the box. As I did the first thing I saw was a family photo from three years before the accident. My mom was smiling sweetly as four year old me was smiling bright in her arms. I cringed slightly at my hair in pigtails and the red dress I was wearing. My dad had an arm around mom and the other on Shiro's shoulder. We looked so happy, such a big beautiful family. I took the photo frame from the box and just stared at it. I messed this up, this is my fault.

"It's okay, I miss them too. Let's remember time like this, and smile on their in pack on our lives. They raised us well, let's celebrate their lives and be happy that we knew them" Shiro said putting the box down.

"Do you think they'd be proud of me?" I question. I was never able to come out to my parents as trans or gay, when they died, I was their "baby girl". I also never knew their opinion on the lgbt community.

"Why wouldn't they be? You're a good kid and student plus your on the football team on your way to getting a scholarship. I know I'm sure as hell proud of you, so they should be too" Shiro said. When they passed, Shiro suffered more than anyone, losing his arm at that age and getting that facial scar. It was all because of me too, his own brother caused him this pain. Why did he bother to keep me around when it would have been easier for him to send me away?

"How can you be so sure?" I question, not sure if Shiro was proud of me.

"Because, they loved you to much not to be. You have to remember, they picked you, they were stuck with me. They also often played favorites, especially mom so you don't have to worry like I do. Now, let's see what we can find in this here box. Maybe I can find some old pictures of you and Katie" Shiro replies. He then gets up and takes the box out of the attic. I go to retrieve my diary before following behind him. He sat on the couch with the box in front of me and I took a set on the floor next to the box. I took out Yorak and the family photo and started a pile for things I want to keep. We dug though the box together, finding all sorts of things from my childhood, from toys to shoes. Then we came across a picture of Pidge and I from when we were younger. It was from the first Halloween we went trick or treating together. I was a ninja but a female version with pink accents here and there, and Pidge was a mad scientist covered in fake blood. We looked so happy, so young and bright. Where did the time go? I of course put that in the pile to keep to show Pidge later that day. Then I stumbled upon a small wooden letter box.

"What's that?" Shiro asked. I opened the box to see a note on top of a bunch of letters.

"There's a note" I reply picking it up and opening it.

"Well, tell me what it say" Shiro said.

"It says "Dear Kadence, happy 18th birthday. We're sorry we kept these from you for so long but we thought it would be best for you. We hope you forgive us and don't leave us because of these letters. Love, mommy and daddy". What the hell? Letters from who?" I said, cringing at my dead name. I put the note a side and pick up the first letter basically ripping it open. I started to read the letter, then I realized who it was really from.
  My dearest, Kadence
I am so sorry I had to leave you. I couldn't let my baby grow up in an environment like the one I live in. I hope you know I did it because I love you more than anything in the world and I just wanted you to be save and happy. I also wrote to your adopted parents, I asked if I could come see you. I hope they say yes, I miss you everyday. Again, I did what I did to protect you from harm. If the garla knew I wanted out, they would have gone after you like they did your father. I beg for your forgiveness my baby.
       Mama Krollia
I could feel the tears role down my face as I read it over and over again. My real mother wrote to me almost every day, from what it looked like at lest. She begged to see me but mom and dad refused. I could have known her, I could have had her in my life. She could have taken us in after the accident.

"Keith, what's wrong? What's the matter?" Shiro asked getting off the couch to hug me.

"They kept her from me. I could have known her, but they hid her from me. She wanted to see me but they wouldn't let her." I cried. I was kept away from someone who just wanted to protect me.

"Keith what are you talking about?" Shiro questioned, not understanding the matter of seriousness.

"These letters are from my biological mother" I basically scream. Shiro gave me this look of shock before full on pulling me into his arms. He didn't even know about the letters or my mother. My mom and dad hid me away from her but she still wrote to me until she probably lost my address. I want to meet her, I want to know who she is. I want to find her.

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