Bonding Moment

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Dear diary.           Sep 8, 18

    Our first weekend since school started. Today, Pidge and Hunk wanted us to help out with the science fair project. Lance and I gladly agreed because if we help, we'll get and A for sure. Not that we're stupid or anything it's just easier if we use another average intelligence to help the geniuses. You know the drill, we've been doing this for years. They don't seem to mind either, as long as we do as they say. Well I'll write more later.
          Keith Kogane

I arrived at the Holt house hold, walking straight in. They gave me a key about three years ago so they didn't care when I entered or if I called before hand.

"Hello Keith, Katie is in her room with the other boys" Mrs. Holt said as she pulled some cookies out of the oven.

"Thanks Mrs. Holt, and the cookies smell amazing as always" I say as I head to Pidge's room. I opened the doo to see Pidge at her desk, working on some sort of rat robot think, Hunk in the floor working on blue prints and lance hanging upside down from Pidge's bed.

"Sup Mullet" Lance was the first to greet me. The others have a small "hey" before going back to what they were doing. I let out a sigh and sat down on the floor in front of the bed, being a few inches away from Lance. I got out my phone and started to play some music I knew the others, besides Pidge wouldn't like. It wasn't a song everyone knew, it was an lower class artist but still a good one. The song, "You should see me in a crown" was mine and Pidge's favorite songs.

"Ew! Keith turn that creepy emo bull crap off and put on some real music" Lance said as soon as the song started to play. He tried to reach for my phone, but I pull it further out of his reach, making him fall out of bed. It was more like a roll, having him land on his back. I burst out in laughter at his stupidity.

"You're such a moron" I say as I laugh my ass off.

"Don't laugh at me mullet! That actually hurt" Lance complained. I stopped for a second then looked at how he squints his nose and crossed his eyebrows as he frowned. Just looking at his face was enough to get my laughter back going. He let out a noise of annoyance and anger before he tackled me to the ground. That's when he tried to grab my phone, causing us to fight for it.

"Get the hell off of me moron!" I said trying to pull my phone from his hands.

"Turn off you're emo music" He argued back. We struggled back and forth for five minutes with with phone. Insult after insult slinging out as we did.

"That's enough you two! You need to see this" Pidge said from her desk. Even if it did make him get off of me, he still didn't let go of my phone.

"Let go" I say though my teeth.

"Turn off your crappie emo bullshit!" He grunted back.

"Lance just let go of the phone, I like that Keith's music and it looks like you're just doing it to hold his hand" Pidge said rolling her eyes. This made both our faces to heat up from embarrassment. Lance quickly let go of my hand, making a gross out noise as he wiped his hand on his jacket.

"As if I'd want to hold that guys hand" Lance said turning his back towards me, crossing his arms. Hunk laughed a bit as he stood up.

"What ever Lance, so what did you want to show us Katie?" Hunk asked. Pidge then held the small rat robot on bother of her hands.

"What is it?" I question, looking into its eyes. As the eye focused, they changed from gray to a shade of red.

"It's a kangaroo rat! I've named them Rover 2.0 or R.0. I've programmed they're eyes to change to match the person who they're looking at personality. Other wise known as your soul color. Yours Keith, is red, meaning you're loving, strong, passionate, powerful, and loving human. The negative trait is anger. I'm going to use the same technology for the lions were making, they'll start out gray but the more you're with them, the more they'll change. Not only in color but in personality as well. Pretty cool right?" Pidge explains with prideful smile. She really is a genius, like wow.

"That's amazing! Let me see" Lance said as he pushed me out of the way a bit. He looked deeply into the robotic eyes of the rat. Now that I think about it, it's kinda cute for a robotic rat. The eyes of the robot didn't change right away like it did for me, it took about five minutes for it to fully change. When it did, the eyes were a lovely shade of blue. The shade was almost the same shade as Lances eyes, but Lance's eyes were brighter.

"Blue, meaning your trust worthy, loyal person that brings people a sense of security. The negatives are high masculinity and coldness" Pidge explains as she placed her new robot on the floor to see how it moved.

"Why did it take longer to get a color?" Lance asked.

"Because, I programmed them like that, I've tested this tech before but it was always quick with the color change. Since the science fair is in November, we have to make it last that long to see the character change in all five lions. Which reminds me, you are all to film your progress with your lions as the weeks go on. To make sure we get every last detail. It should take two weeks for the lions to be finished" Pidge explains. She continued to ramble on about the project with Hunk as Lance and I carefully listened to what we had to do. This should be fun, and maybe get us to the state science fair.

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