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I dropped Lance and Hunk back at their houses and was heading to drop off Pidge. All I could think about was how Shiro kept his secret girlfriend from me. Shiro and I have been extremely close and have shared everything with each other, not hiding anything. It's out of character for him to hide anything from me.

"It's going to be fine Keith, it's Shiro, there has to be a good explanation for this. Our families have known each other for years, I know your brother is a good person with good intentions. He wasn't keeping this from you for a bad reason, just hear him out" Pidge said, getting out of the car when we reached her house. She started to walk away but leaned on my opened window.

"You sure you're okay to drive alone? You seem pretty anxious, I don't want you over thinking things, having a panic attack and getting into an accident. If you want I can grab some clothes and stay at your place" she offered. I smiled up at her, knowing that what she said was true.

"That would probably be for the best" I reply. She nodded and ran into her house to only come out five minutes later with a bag of clothes. Not that she needed it, she always leaves something at my place every time she goes. She definitely have enough for an outfit, maybe even more. Shit Shiro and I have even given Pidge her own small dresser and it's full of all the stuff she's left here, every time she leaves something here it goes straight into her dresser.

"Okay let's go" she said as she fastened her seat belt.

"Since you're going to be at my place, you should organize your dresser" I say jokingly.

"Ugh you're probably right, I'll do it while you talk to Shiro" Pidge replied. We talked about how we got home work on the first day and how bullshit it really was till we arrived at my house. We exited the call before locking it and walking though the front door. Shiro was in the living room sitting on his recliner. He looked nervous like he didn't want to talk to me about what was going on.

"I'll be upstairs" Pidge said, then headed up stairs. I walk into the living room and sit down onto the couch. I sit back and crossed my arms and legs to show I'm waiting for an explanation.

"Why didn't you tell me? How long have you been seeing her? Why is this such a big secret?" I start with the question.

"Keith, I'll explain everything, just please calm down" Shiro said in his always calm and collected voice. His voice seems to settle me down, and I relax, uncrossing my arms.

"Allura and I have only been seeing each other for about a month now. It's not that serious yet, in fact I don't even think that I can call her my girlfriend yet. We're dating, nothing serious has even happened yet. We've been on a couple dates but that's about it. That's why I didn't want to tell you, I didn't know if it was going to last. You know I'm not very good with the whole couple thing, and my relationships, if I can even call them that, don't last more than two dates at the most. I didn't want to tell you and get your hopes up for me finding someone to be disappointed if we split up. I didn't mean to make you upset Keith, and I didn't know she was Lance's sister till today. I guess me keeping this from you did more harm than good. I'm sorry Keith, I know how open you are with me, and I know how you expect me to be the same. I won't keep stuff from you like this anymore" Shiro explains.

"Have you done this before?" I asked, not completely satisfied with the information I had.

"Yes, I've kept three "relationships" from you, but they did only last about a week and a half each so it kinda doesn't matter. I'm not good with ladies, and they all just want me for the money they think I have" Shiro adds, his face looked like he was disappointed in himself. I kinda felt bad for being so upset about this when he really did have a good explanation for this. I would have done the same if I was in his situation.

"I guess that makes since. I'm sorry for getting upset, I was just worried we were losing our trust or something. I didn't know a guy like you had trouble with the ladies, what's with that?" I asked in disbelief, Shiro is a great guy with what most people would say attractive face. I had a hard time believing he had a hard time with women.

"They don't like how much I work. They think from first look I'm an Athletic blob of muscle with little to no brain. When they hear I'm a successful mechanical engineer and that I made my arm myself, I guess it's a turn off. But that might be my fault for not seeing their intentions"Shiro explains.

"Wow, I'm glad I'm into dudes if that's how girls are" I reply.

"Not all girls, Allura is different, completely differently. She loves the fact that I'm taking care of my little brother. She thinks my arm is like the coolest thing in the world. She's honestly the most wonderful woman I've ever met. You'd like her a lot, but that's enough talking. Go to bed it's late and you have school tomorrow" Shiro said as he got up from his chair walking towards the hall. I stood up as well having him turn to me, rustling my hair.

"I love you Keith, good night little bro" he said before walking to his room.

"Love you too Shiro, good night" I say walking up to my room. I walk in to see Pidge asleep on my bed. I sighed before pushing grabbed my pjs and changing. I look into my mirror to see my chest binded with ace bandages. I gently start to take them off, freeing my chest from the tightness. I let out a hard breath finally being able to breathe without struggle. I look at myself in the mirror once more and die a bit on the inside. I try not to cry seeing the bags of fat that is my chest. I quickly pull my shirt over my self and changed my pants before going to lay next to Pidge. This isn't anything out of the ordinary, we've been doing this since before I came out. I decide to write one more entry in my diary before sleeping.

Dear Diary.            Sep, 3, 18

I got in a disagreement with Shiro today. I feel bad about it because I was in the wrong. The argument was about him being with a nice girl that is Lance's older sister. She seems nice but he kept this a secret for a month before telling me. He didn't even tell me, I caught them kissing before he got the chance. He had a good reason for hiding it but I can't help but feel like our trust is lost a small bit. Well I should get some sleep.

Keith Kogane

Our love is god (klance high school au)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang