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As soon as his feet touched the ground Arthur immediately collapsed down.

His hands spread out, his breaths rushed, and his heart a rapid heap of beats. He couldn't help his crimson eyes narrowing slightly as two figures lowly floated down.

"You're not bad." The boy stared down at his face.

"I guess it's a bit better to know the future of the kingdom is in the hands of someone at least 'capable'."

Arthur wasn't too sure if that was a compliment or not. However, another thought had occurred to him...there was still a slight mass of unconscious people. And, thinking, only himself was currently awake amongst the group that actually faced the boss.

Coughing lightly, he forced himself to break away from his resting position and begin in a stand.

"Thank you for your help." He turned towards Magis, and received a nod.

His body moved.

"I would advise you to rest." A voice traced into his ears.

"Your mana needs to replenish."

His vision was a bit dizzy, but he could still see the so called vampire standing before him, her umbrella held in her hand and her ruby eyes looking into his.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, "What do you know?"

"I know you barely have any energy left within you, and as a mage, that is not a wise move."

Arthur scoffed lightly, he had no time to deal with a person that didn't even think to participate in the fight...well, maybe he did have time but he sure as heck didn't want to.

"Are all the royalties of this time so stubborn? Makes me wonder if I was an oddity." She lapsed.

"I do not have time for this." Arthur grimaced.

"Oh? Interesting, what if I told you to sit still?" She asked.

The prince's eyes narrowed. 'The heck is this girl saying?'

"You remind me a bit of Pendridge. Do you by any chance know what the result of her going against me was at the beginning?" She asked.

"First off, who is Pendridge?" Arthur asked, "And second of, why do you care if I push myself or not?"

She was expressionless, yet, a single word escaped her lips, "Remain."


A force descended onto him...this time, across his entire body.

Within seconds, his actions were entirely locked.

He couldn't move even a step further, his body fully frozen in place as if he was within a time or spatial lock. All in all, he was stuck simply staring at the currently expressionless face of Iu.

'Doesn't she flip too quickly...' Arthur was beyond tired at this point.

Yet, at that moment, a voice drifted over.

"Telekinesis huh? Something that can easily be blocked against using pure mana channeling and control."

"Oh?" Iu turned turned her head, a light smile on her face.

"Then why don't you try my attack?"

Magis narrowed his eyes, before a final sigh escaped his lips.

"Simple, even if I channel my mana into one specific point of my body, it wouldn't be enough to make a difference...after all...going against someone who was once known as the queen of vampires is suicidal at best." He shook his head.

Princess Knight [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now