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Long ago there existed a race of demons known as the Asura clan. Their physical prowess was beyond measure, they could destroy mountains with a single punch and could split nations with a step. Even able to punch through magic with sheer force.

Made worse was that they were a race which loved blood and chaos and brought about destruction wherever they were to walk.

Although their numbers were extremely minuscule, they were known as the second strongest race in the world, just below the ancient dragons. Their strength was feared by all races as the incarnations of chaos

In the end, the humans finally retaliated. Using the power of the great sage Merlin, they used the energy of a passing red star to tear a gap in space and seal the race into another dimension.

However, once every hundred years, when the Chaos Star is closest to earth. The seal weakens--thanks to the energy fluctuations of the star disturbing the dimensional gateway--and a single member of the cursed race is allowed into the world.

That person goes back, like an instinct, towards the demonic capital and takes back their throne. Becoming the incarnation of danger, strength, doom, and chaos. Becoming a...

Demon Lord


The demon race was a race that prided itself on strength. No matter who you were, as long as you were strong enough, you could demand respect.

As such, it was an impossibility for them to attack the human realm without the demon lord. No demon could fathom lowering their head and following the orders of another. Only someone so strong that they could step on everyone else beneath them could serve to lead the race, and that someone was a demon lord.

This was exactly why the group was gathered forcefully.

Rias sat at the helm of the marble table while her mask shifted over the gathered demons.

She had learned what the so-called 'Seven Deadly Sins' were. Essentially, they were the leaders and strongest of the demon race. Each in the lead of a faction or clan of demons.

Alabaster sat on her right, his golden fur glistering brightly even amidst the dull cave they called a dining room. He was the leader of the beastmen faction and the sin of Pride.

She looked over the rest of them.

A short and thin demon with red skin and constantly twitching pointed ears. The leader of the Imps and the sin of Greed.

A tall demon that looked near identical to an elf save for her purplish skin, luscious black hair, and glistering black eyes that shined like the stars. The leader of the Minxes and the sin of Envy.

A demon dressed in overly revealing clothing that showed off her perfect proportional body and her glistering pure ash white skin. A single short horn of jet black growing from her head and her Ashe white hair draped behind her. The leader of the Syrins and the sin of Lust.

A demon cloaked in black from head to toe, silently gazing into the boundless unknown. The leader of the Nhimphus faction and the sin of Gluttony.

Finally, there was the oddball, the one besides her left. The sleeping figure of a girl who looked every bit a human if one didn't pay enough attention. Her brunette hair quietly rested and cascaded down her back and her body concaved into the brown fluffy tail at her back. Her brown beast ears heaved up and down with every small breath she took. She was the leader of the half-bloods and the sin of Sloth.

However, Rias had a more pressing question as her mask scanned the table "You call yourself the seven deadly sins, do you not? So why are their only six of you?"

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