'Yeah I know....'

'Now let me pack, I have to catch a flight in 3 hours... ' I say

'Yeah Bye.... Sweetheart...' He says

'Bye bye... ' I blush and hang up

Can life be more perfect...?

I am definitely getting paranoid, he is just perfect...

Same time...

Aayan's POV

'I finished all my pending work very fast to see you, and now you are leaving... ' I say in a whining tone and then cringe on myself

Ewwww Aayan....

'It's just a matter of one day Aayan, after that we will be together, and later after wedding we'll be together forever...' she replied in her disgustingly sweet voice

Can't wait to ruin your life sweetheart...
But then I have to bear her stupid face all the time...
Damn Fuck My life man...!

'Yeah, I know... ' Was all could I say

'Now let me pack, I have to catch a flight in 3 hours... ' she says and I sigh in relief

Thank god she hung up, I couldn't hear to her irritating voice anymore...

Why did  I call her anyway...?

Oh right, to inform about my departure...

'Yeah Bye.... Sweetheart...' I say and then dramatically pretend to stab myself in the chest with the pen I am holding right now...

'Bye bye... ' she says sweetly

Ewww man...
Somebody please kill me...

I call Alex and inform him about the task he as to do while I am away, because I won't be attending office for like 20-21 days because of my wedding..

'Good luck man... See you and your wife at the wedding... ' Alex hugs me..

I so miss Lalit right now...
I wish he was there with me...

'Yeah... ' I smile and then pick up my bag to leave for the airport

On my way to the car, all my staff greeted and congratulated me for my wedding..
I reply them with a simple thanks and walk further

'So when are women making their grand debut on the 4th floor...?' My manager Rashmi asks

'It's still out of bounds... ' I say

'Arre but you are getting married, no woman will hit on you now...' She teased me

True that

'We will think about it...' I say and walk outside the building

'Sir where to..?' My driver asks before as I sit on the back seat

'First home, I have to collect few stuff and then we'll leave for the airport... ' I inform him and he nods and starts the car


I will be a married man...
Never ever I thought that I will do this
Women are waste of time, they always were and they will be...

But why am I stuck on this god forsaken irritating Ananya Thapar...
Maybe she is the one who dared to bother me right from start...

I Will Never Be YoursМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя