You sat, twiddling your thumbs while your fiancé stared around, trying to get familiar to the place. And here came the same dreaded, how do I start a conversation again?
But looked like you didn't have to worry about that anymore since Jimin took the first step.

  "This place is packed"
"Hm" not a very interesting topic.

  "So, you liking it here so far?"
God, is why's he acting like some distant relative you haven't seen for a long time?

"Yeah, I mean, aside the single bed."
"Aw cmon, I don't bite. All the time" he smirked and you felt a blush sear through your cheeks at his comment.
"Mh hmm," you cleared your throat as to just show how nervous you were, "t-the band is really good"
"Yeah. It's a nice song," his head tilted to the side and back, arch of his brow raised as well as a corner of his lip. "Romantic."
"You like romantic songs?" You chuckled, un-expecting of that.

"You question that?"
"Well, I dunno, I would've thought you had a different music taste"
"Like what?"
"Hmm," You hummed, "maybe classical music"
"Classical?" He repeated in an offended tone. You were confused, "you don't like classical music?"
"I mean, if I were 50 years old I would!"
"Hey! It's a fair assumption! I mean you like Shakespeare," you held one hand out, "you could like classical music" you held the other hand out.
"That has no correlation!"
"Yes it does!"
"Ok, I see this dinner is something we not only need for our stomachs, but for finding out things about each other. Because you clearly don't know anything about me"
"Then let's talk about each other" you conceded.
"Hm, Why don't we go grab something from the buffet first? There's gonna be no food left if we don't go now" Jimin proposed, looking at the crowds around the buffet.
You nodded in agreement.

  The food selection was unlimited. From salads, to vegetables to rice - whatever you wanted, it was right here.
Grabbing a clean plate from the pile, you both moved along until you found something you wanted.
Not wanting to fill up too much, you just got a few leaves and vegetables, just barely filling the plate to the edge.

You finally got everything you thought you would want and was heading back to the table when you saw Jimin standing a little away from the buffet as if waiting for someone.
Your eyebrows pushed together.

"What're you doing? Why aren't you back at the table yet?"
You noticed he was holding his filled plate in his hands, so he couldn't want anymore food.

"I was just waiting for you. You know, in case anything happens" he told you slowly, as if not wanting to, eyes wandering the ground. 
You couldn't help but smile. "Who are you taking gentleman lessons from huh?" you joked.
He chuckled nervously while you headed to the table, smirking as Jimin trailed behind you like a lost puppy.

The waiter arrived back at your table, placing down your two orders.
Poor man, having to carry two heavy plates, you thought. Being a waitress yourself, you knew the struggle.
"Thank you" you nodded at him and he gave you a small smile before going to retrieve your drinks.
Shortly before he came back, you took a bite of the food while it was still hot.

"How is it?" Jimin asked you, preparing his knife and fork.
"Mhh" you indirectly replied, stacking your fork with more of the food.
"I take it it's good?" He chuckled at you.
"It's amazing!"
"Your drinks" the waiter placed down two tall glasses and a bottle of cold sparkling water in a metal bucket of ice.
He bowed and left.

"Here" Jimin passed you a glass of sparkling water he had poured for you.
"Thanks" You took a sip, feeling refreshed already.

"So..." you started, swallowing the last of your shrimp bite.
Jimins head shot up.
"You haven't exactly told me any details about this business trip"

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