Chapter thirteen.

Depuis le début

The silver haired female smiled and sat down, "thank you."
Loki and Egil finished and got ready to go, "take Bernard with you."
Thurston pushed the swede onto the dragon with the Icelander and Norwegian.
(Y/n) was washing dishes and humming cutely, Magnus dried the dishes and enjoyed the presence of the sweet girl.
Thurston stood with them in the kitchen and drank his coffee.
The Danish male finished drying the dishes and the female put them up.
Thurston took her watched her as she and Her eldest brother interacted, he drank the last bit of coffee he had.
Magnus went to somewhere else to work and Thurston took hold of (y/n)'s hand, "come with me."
The Finnish male took her to his room and set her on the bed, "Now tell me what happened."
The silver haired female looked into his crimson eyes and breathed out, "we went out to eat. I went to the bathroom but took the stave for protection, I was grabbed by an Italian man."
Thurston petted her gently.
She told him what happened, everything.
Even how the italian admitted to drugging their food.

Thurston became angry, he set the female down on the bed and told her to stay there.
The Finn went to magnus to tell him what he had heard and to plan a counterstrike.
(Y/n) stayed in the room and pulled (b/n)'s phone that she swiped from Magnus out, the female looked at the postings on social media and texts the dead slut was getting.
The silver haired female accidentally hit a dislike button on a post.
She closed the program and played a game on the phone, one that was hooked up to a social media account.
The female hid the phone again when she heard Thurston come back.
"I hope you were not too bored without me Kultaseni.", the Finn spoke and picked up the female, "now what shall we do?"
(Y/n) was going to speak but was silenced by a kiss from the Finn.
"Hush.", the Finnish man said gently, "we should go for a walk, like we used to."


America knew that (b/n) was dead, so why was her social media account active? And why was there activity that happened a few minutes ago registering on the account?
Surely none of the brothers had taken the phone from the teen and had been using it, Unless (y/n) cleverly snuck the phone from them.
The blond man started to trace that phone around, he found the cutoff area was in the wilderness of Norway. In an area that was deemed off limits for historical and safety reasons.
The blue eyed male called his Norwegian friend, the Norwegian picked up.
"Ja?", Norway answered.
"I think I found the area.", America said and gave the location, "it should be there."
"We have been tracing calls going to that area as well.", The Norwegian answered, "if this is their hideout, who knows what we will find."

America hung up and called England, "Iggy, I think I found the hideout of the 2pn5."
"Where?", the English man asked.
The American told England the location, "I told Norway, he said that they traced calls there as well."
"I'll talk to him and see if Romania is free to help us.", England said and hung up.
America looked at the picture he took with (y/n) the first day he met her, "please be okay dudette."
The blond male already saw the similarities between the silver haired female and the little girl he found in the 2p Nordics' base a long time ago.
He thought about it a bit further.
"Shit. She's the same kid."


(Y/n) and Thurston walked around the forested areas and around the home itself.
The gardens were beautiful, the views from the mountains were beautiful, the house was beautiful, the look that Thurston was giving (y/n) was beautiful.
The silver haired female and brunet Finn walked through the forest and stopped to watch some animals, the Finnish male made a small joke about how the bunnies they saw were jealous of the female.
The silver haired girl could not help but to laugh at that, Thurston smiled a bit from it too.
The Finn stopped and faced the female to him, "Marry me."

"What?", the female asked, "why are you saying this?"
"I am getting impatient, please marry me.", The Finn repeated, "I can protect and love you."
(Y/n) backed up, "I don't feel ready to marry anyone yet."
Thurston looked upset at this, "I can't have you disappear again. You have to be with me."
The desperate look in his eyes and feel to his aura made her then notice how dark he felt at the moment and his eyes had darkened.
She backed away more, "you're scaring me."
the male stopped stalking forward and his eyes became sad, "I'm sorry. Please don't be scared. I-I don't want to scare you."
The silver haired female backed away again and went back to the house, Magnus was preparing dinner early.
He gave her a kind look with his pale blue eyes, "do you mind getting some vegetables from the refrigerator for me?"
(Y/n) nodded and got him the vegetables, "Do you not have papers today?"

Stop following me. (second spinoff of never leave you alone)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant