Chapter 19 - Trying to fix what's broken

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Chapter 19 - Trying to fix what's broken

Olena put down the book she was reading and sighed. She and Robert have been on a silent war for almost a month and she was getting tired of it.

Not that Robert was treating her badly. He was still courteous and kind, as always. But the comfortable warmth and sense if familiarity wasn't there, anymore.

She felt like she was living with a polite stranger, and she hated it. At least before, they were friends.

Levi was also starting to ask questions, like why she or Robert always come home late recently. His grandparents would pick him up from school and he would stay with them until Robert picks him up.

She went home early today so she could spend time with Levi but they were not back yet.

Her phone buzzed with a message and she saw it was from Robert.

"Just about to leave my parent's house. We'll be there in maybe half an hour if traffic's not bad."

"Okay. Don't forget to secure the car seat," she texted back.

If she wanted their war to end, Olena knew she had to be the one to reach out first. It has always been that way, and it doesn't look like it will change anytime soon so she might as well give in.

It's not because Robert is too proud, it just doesn't bother him as much so he can hold out longer. He'd rather wait it out quietly even if it takes a long time than engage in a discussion and end the issue quickly.

Olena was not built like that. She would be much happier to have problems addressed quickly, even if it meant going through a fight to get there.

It was surprising they even became friends at all, considering how different their values and perspectives in life were.

But Olena had liked Robert's stable demeanor, and she guessed Robert was drawn to her fighting spirit.

And here we are, Olena thought to herself.

Deciding to do it tonight, she went to the kitchen and took out her baking tools. Her chocolate chip cookies were a favorite in the house and she knew it would soften Robert up.

She also knew Robert would understand that it's a peace offering.

As she prepared the oven and made the cookie dough, Olena thought of her little family.

Her friends and even her mentor had been against her marriage in the beginning. Not because they hated Robert, no, but because they felt that Olena was "settling for less" - their words, not hers.

They knew she and Robert were not in love, but Olena believed marriage is about partnership, and what's more important is to find someone she could live with under the same roof for the rest of her life.

What better choice than a good friend, right?

Years later, she was starting to understand what they all meant. It wasn't just about partnership after all, it was supposed to be more, to mean more.

But she was not ready to give up yet.

Robert was a good man and a good partner, and they both loved Levi. That has to be enough.

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