Chapter 26 - We meet again

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Chapter 26 - We meet again

"Axel, please go do a last dry run with the technical team. And Rachel, pls check with the registration table and make sure they have the updated guest list," Olena was handing out final instructions to her team.

The party was set to start in two hours and things were looking good, but experience has taught her that it's always better to double check.

They haven't slept much the past night as they were supervising the set-up and decorations in the venue, but they were used to it.

At least Axel and Rachel still looked fresh and energetic, like they just woke up from a full night's sleep.

The perks of youth, Olena thought amusedly. She used to be like that when she was their age.

But now Olena could feel her lids drooping and her head was starting to throb.

Sometimes she'd forget that she was not young anymore and would push herself to her limits, but her body would give her small reminders, like it does now.

She was definitely going on a break after this.

Olena finished her fourth cup of coffee for the day and threw the disposable cup in the trash can as she roamed around the tables.

The huge LED screen which served as the backdrop for their stage lit up and Olena turned to watch as Axel played all the photos and videos they had prepared for the program.

So far so good. Olena smiled and nodded to Axel who was at the technical booth, giving a thumbs up to show her approval.

She headed to the registration table to check on Rachel.

"Everything okay here?"

"Yup. The list is updated and I'll be on standby here in any case," Rachel replied confidently.

"Okay. I'll just go up to my room to change. Call me if you need anything okay? I'll be back in an hour."

It was time to get ready herself, she only had about an hour to change and do her hair and make-up.

Axel and Rachel arrived in the venue an hour ago, already dressed as they agreed. Olena volunteered to be the advance party so the two would have time to prepare as well.

They all seldom get a chance to glam themselves up so on these rare occasions, they really enjoy dressing up.

Olena went straight to the elevators and headed to her room.

Since both Levi and Robert were away, Olena decided to just get a room in the hotel for the night so she can go rest right after the party. No sense driving back home when she was this tired and nobody was there anyway.

As she was putting on her final touches of her make-up, Olena did a quick mental run through of the program for the night.

Since it was mainly a celebration, they decided to just have a very short program then finish the rest of the night with performances from the bands they hired.

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