Chapter 31 - Sticks and stones

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Chapter 31 -

Sticks and stones

Olena woke up feeling feverish, and she knew it wasn't just because of fatigue from all the overtime work she had been doing these past few days.

It was from the guilt and shame that had been eating up at her. From the hotel until she got home and on her bed, the feelings had never let up.

She barely slept last night, thoughts of Robert filling her mind.

How would she tell him? Should she even tell him at all? How would she handle his anger?

And Levi, what if he finds out?

Olena shivered at the thought.

No, that can never happen! Olena thought, gripped by fear and panic.

Olena was not a religious woman and she hadn't gone to church since last Christmas, but her fear drove her to pray.

I can't lose my son. Please don't let that be the price I pay for my mistake. Anything but that.

Olena took deep breaths, forcing herself to relax. She was supposed to fetch Levi from Robert's parent's house in a couple of hours and she needed to be in better control of her emotions by then.

She can't let Robert's parents notice anything and make them subject her to a cross examination. Especially Robert's mother, she was like a hawk.

And Levi could already sense if anything was bothering her too. She didn't want him to start asking questions because she knew she wouldn't be able to answer him with a straight face.

Olena hurried to the shower and let the cold water wash over her.

I just need to get through this day, she reminded herself. It will get easier tomorrow.


It was already dark when she and Levi got home. She had just barely parked in the garage when Robert came out and eagerly opened the passenger door.

"How's my buddy? I missed you, Levi," he said as he half carried Levi out of his car seat. "Did you have fun at the mall with mommy?"

"Yes! We played some games and I got a prize! Look Daddy, it's a toy car!"

"Wow, that's great bud. Come, let's go inside and you can tell me all about it."

Olena turned off the engine and stepped outside the car, feeling self conscious and unable to meet Robert's eyes.

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