Chapter 32 - The choice she made

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Chapter 32 - The choice she made

Robert stayed on the couch that night, but Olena did not know if he slept. Because she didn't.

She was on the brink of losing her family, and sleep was the last thing she could think of right now.

Robert had stalked out angrily after threatening her about the divorce and she didn't get a chance to explain that it was not what she wanted in the first place.

But then maybe this was not a good time to explain anyway. She didn't think Robert was in a condition to listen to anything she'd say now.

The best thing to do now is to give him time to cool down. Then they'd talk. Hopefully soon, because Olena didn't think she could sleep until they cleared things.

She wasn't even expecting forgiveness this soon. If she were in his shoes, she wouldn't be so forgiving either.

Her first instinct would be to lash back out. To give as much pain as she received, if not more.

Robert was probably plotting how to get back at her, and she was okay with it. Olena was willing to accept any punishment - as long as she would not lose Levi.

She heard the bedroom door open and turned around to see Robert watching her thoughtfully.

Olena sat up on the bed, waiting for him to speak up. It was nerve wracking, the way Robert watched her silently, but Olena forced herself to endure it.

"I have thought about it overnight," Robert finally said. "And I have a condition."

She held his gaze steadily, letting him know that she was willing to face the consequences of her mistake.

"I want you to cut off all ties with that person. I don't want even a tiny bit of possibility of the two of you crossing paths."

"Yes. Of course. I would never see him again, I don't plan to."

"So you have to leave your job. Right now."


Olena did not expect that. She loved what she does, and she loved her company. Robert knew that, aside from Levi, this is where he could hurt her the most.

"You met that person through your job. As long as you're there I'll always think you're meeting with him."

"But it's your choice Olena - your work or your family?" Robert said coldly.

"Of course I choose you and Levi. Fine! I'll talk to Jason on Monday. Give me a few weeks to help him find a replacement."

"No, that's not your problem anymore. Or mine. You leave your job on Monday."

Olena felt sorry for her boss, and it went against her professionalism to leave the company high and dry like this, but she really can't lose her family.

Besides, she did say she'll accept any punishment Robert would give, right? anything was better than losing Levi.

Olena took a deep breath and made her decision.

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