Chapter 5 ~ Can I Ask You Something?

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I took the opportunity of being alone with mum and sat down at the table, gesturing for her to sit down across from me. "Can I ask you something?" I questioned hesitantly, picking at my fingernails.

She looked at me a little suspiciously but nodded her head anyway. "Sure, honey."

I took a deep breath, thinking about how to start and with what. Eventually, I opened my mouth to begin the interrogation. "When I was about to start kindergarten, you mentioned something about a Louis, right?"

Her reaction was immediate. Her body went rigid and her eyes widened in either shock or fright. "Yeah, I did. What about him?" She swallowed thickly.

"I was just wondering why you told me to stay away from him. I mean, we have the same English, Math and Science class, so it'd be good to know," I explained.

She nodded, reaching up to run her fingers over the healed scar she had on her forehead. "It's nothing major, Harry. I was just a little unlucky when I was younger."

Well, that helped me a lot. Note the sarcasm.

"Come on, mum. Isn't there more to it? What happened that made you hate his family so much?" I pressed but made sure not to be too pushy. I didn't want her to suffer from anything I said.

She sucked in a deep breath, dropping her hand from her forehead so it landed on the table. "Please, honey. Do we really have to talk about this? It's something I'd rather not think about." She mumbled the last part, not meeting my gaze.

I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling stuck between two options. One, I kept pushing her until I might hit her limit, or two, I dropped the subject and let her explain whenever she was ready.

There was no question about what option to choose. "Okay mum, but whenever you feel ready to talk about it, please come to me."

She nodded, getting up from her seat to pick up the vacuum from the floor. When she was about to turn it on and continue vacuuming the room, she hesitated and turned back to me. "You have to promise me to keep staying away from him, okay?"

I gulped, nodding slowly. "Uh, mum... Why haven't you told Gemma to do the same thing? It doesn't seem like she's trying to avoid him."

She furrowed her eyebrows, seeming to think hard. "You're the one who's the same age as him. Gemma's a year older and doesn't go to his school. Plus, both of you are boys. There was a higher possibility you two would become friends than them," she explained at last.

Well, that actually made sense. There weren't exactly many times Gemma and Louis met, usually only at parties. "Okay... I've got one last question if that's okay?"

She nodded slowly, taking deep breaths. It wasn't hard to tell she didn't like this topic. "Do you possibly know if any of Louis' parents told him the same thing you did to me? I'm only curious because it seems like he's avoiding me as well," I kind of lied, but she didn't need to know that.

It took a while for her to answer. "I'm pretty certain Johannah did, yes," she finally said, not looking at me.

Johannah, as in his mother? But what about his father? Why couldn't he have done it? Of course I remembered Louis saying 'mum' instead of 'dad' in Adam's kitchen this morning, but that didn't change the fact that I was curious.

"What about his dad? How can you be sure he didn't do it?"

She instantly tensed. "Please, sweetheart. I've already told you too much. Now, go up to your room and do your homework."

I narrowed my eyes at her, silently wondering why the mention of Louis' dad had such an impact on her. "Mum, you know I hate doing my homework because of my dyslexia," I said, referring to my disability.

She sighed, walking over to run a hand through my curls. "I know, Hun. You unfortunately got that from me. I'm sorry for mentioning it, but please try your best, okay?"

I nodded, getting up from the chair to head out of the room but stopped when I was in the doorframe. "Thank you for answering my questions, mum. It means a lot to me," I smiled, looking at her just as she was about to turn on the vacuum.

"You're welcome, honey. Sorry for not being able to answer all of them. It's difficult, alright?"

I nodded even though I had no idea that it was whatsoever. I mean, how could I when I didn't even know what had happened? "I'm sure your answers will do for a while at least."

She nodded curtly before finally spinning around to turn the vacuum on.

I went up to my room, thinking about everything she had just told me.

There were still so many things that were left unexplained, but at least I was one step closer now. So far, I knew that one reason why Louis hated me was because of his mother. I also knew that my mum reacted weirdly when Louis' dad was mentioned around her.

What I still didn't know was what in the world had happened all those years ago between our parents, but I would hopefully find that out soon.


Okay, this chapter was necessary because 1.) Harry has to start making progress and 2.) For you guys to get an idea of what you think happened in the past.

Thank you for your wonderful comments by the way! I love to know what you think about this story because it's nothing like my other fanfics :)

Dedication: @hazzanboo4ever! Loved your comment XD .x

Pauline .xx (The writer)

Pauline is my favorite. I love her and her 6 toes on each foot.

Love you babe.

Lacy. xx (The editor)

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