The S.S.P.T Program 3

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*** ok yes I know I haven't uploaded in the longest time ever but I will only upload if asked to. I don't know if you guys remember but I left you at a cliffhanger and I'll continue from there. VOTE COMMENT FAN!!!!!!!!!!***


I looked up to the trees. There was something in one of them. I looked at it not knowing what it could possibly be. I put my foot on the tree, ready to climb it. I grabbed the side and started to climb/shimmy my way up. Good thing I was wearing sneakers. I finally got to the branch where there was something hidden. I carefully moved the leaves that were covering it, the first thing I saw was a water jug. I grabbed it. Now I can bring the water. I tugged on it but it was tied to something. I pulled harder but nothing. I moved all the leaves and saw something I had never seen and never wanted to see. I let out a lurid scream.

I've never really cursed unless it was necessary but I think now's the time

"IT'S A FU**ING SKELETON!!!" I could the bones becoming yellow and spiders and other bugs crawling out of its eye sockets and a snake crawling across its rib cage. Black dots appeared in my vision and I felt myself falling while hearing someone screaming my name. I blacked out and never felt the impact of the ground hitting me.

~Monique's POV~

I was getting a little nervous of being alone with Blake he was sitting next to me while I tried to draw the best house I could. So far I had the door, the windows, the actual building when I heard Blake speak.

"That's cool..." It scared me half to death that I drew a straight line right through the house. O.O

"Aw crap" I looked at him to see him trying to hide a smile. I just sighed and tried to erase the line as best as I could.

After a while I had drawn a 3-D house and sue me but I think it looked pretty damn good. I closed my eyes and imagined all the details. A house with a peachy color and flowers surrounding it, a wooden floor with white stairs leading to five bedrooms with one king size bed, walk-in closet filled with clothes for both boys and girls, a bathroom in each one, a kitchen downstairs with a counter and cabins and a silver refrigerator stocked with delicacies, a living room with a flat screen TV, and white couches. I think that was it...I opened my eyes carefully to see the house right in front of me just like I had imagined it. I heard a gasp behind me. I turned to see Blake staring at the house with his eyes looking like they were going to pop out of his head and his mouth hanging open.

"You know what, unless you want a fly to lay eggs on you, you better close that mouth." He closed his mouth. The house was near to verge of the forest but facing the ocean that surrounded the island. I was still examining the house making sure I didn't make any mistakes when suddenly I saw Ashton coming out of the forest with Summer in his arms, bridal style. Her arms and legs were limp and her eyes were closed. I gasped.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I ran as fast as I could over to him.

"She fell out of a tree" I let the words sink in, well then.....thats..nice?

"Bring her inside" I started walking towards. I could tell he was probably staring at the house. But as soon as we were inside, he laid her down and I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. I guess we didn't need to find that fresh water lake or anything. Or the food. Or anything else, I could pretty much draw everything. WELL not everything but still I'm working on it! I walked back in to see Ashton sitting on the ground near her head with worry in his eyes. I can bet those two are going to get together. I dripped a bit of water on her face and her eyes fluttered open. She stared at the ceiling, her eyes started watering and a tear slid down her cheek.

*** Hope you liked, the next part you'll see why she's crying and stuff. So yea nothing else to say.......RAPE COMMENT VOTE!!!!!!!***

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