I go to Alex's messages. 

Alex: Hey did you make it alright? I've been worried since you didn't text me.

Me: I'm sorry, the time difference is crazy, and I was very tired. I made it alright, I love you.

Alex: That's good to hear, I love you too. K, my breaks over I'll talk to you later.

Oh gosh, I definitely missed them. Strawberry especially. She was on her way home from Brazil while I was on my way to Italy. I didn't get to say goodbye. Her real name is Violet. Odd, I know right. I've called her strawberry since kindergarten. She had a whole bowl of them, and I had asked for one. I also asked her name, and she said strawberry on accident. So it stuck. I love her to the moon and back. She's going to come live with me once she finishes her community service. She got caught trespassing and painting on other people's houses. Weird I know, but she paints really good. I was surprised they even let her go to Brazil. I'm guessing it had to do with her dad and mum being rich.

She has platinum blonde hair, violet purple eyes, hence the name Violet, she's around five foot two inches and has beautiful tan skin. I personally think she's absolutely perfect. She's very confident which I love that about her.

Alex, I definitely missed him too. His blonde short hair, beautiful blue eyes, devilish smirk, and gorgeous face. He was my first kiss, first love, and first boyfriend. I'm still a virgin. I just feel like it isn't the right time. Now I'm not religious or anything, and I want to have sex before I'm married and stuff, it just doesn't feel right, right now. Alex was that bad boy in high school, and I was a nerd. I don't even know how we ended up together but the fact he doesn't ever pressure me to do things I don't want to, makes me fall in love even more.

About a week later it turns out I have to do an interview in real life. So today I'm going to the little coffee shop, and I'm getting interviewed. I'm not nervous because I've had experience and I'm pretty confident. I walked into a small room a nice old lady pointed me into.

"Hello, Miss. Moretti," said this woman only to be about around nineteen or twenty. I replied confidently, "Hello Miss. De Luca" looking at the badge she had on her shirt.

"Yes, well please have a seat, I'm going to ask some pretty  basic questions that you didn't have to answer on your resume." "So first few questions, What is your nationality?, How old are you, and when is your birthday?, Any special loved ones? Where were you born?, and Do you exercise on the daily?" That was a lot, but I've always been good with memorizing important things. So I reply with,

"I'm full Italian. My mother and father met here in Venice. They got married, and eventually got pregnant with me. They wanted more freedom and moved to the States. Ohio to be exact. I also am fluent in Italian as I have to speak it at home with my grandparents."

"I'm eighteen years old, and I was born on the fifteenth of October, nineteen ninety-nine."

"I do have a boyfriend who I love very much, and just my Nonna and Nonno. My.. uh.." I felt my fists clench up and felt a stabbing pain in my heart. My stomach was in knots. "Um... My p-parents aren't around anymore."

"As I said earlier, I was born in Ohio."

"I do not exercise on the daily, but if I needed to, I can start."

"Miss Moretti, you sound perfect for the job, and I would like to tell you that we want to hire you, and yes I would like you to start going to the gym every day working out your thighs, stomach, and arms, I'm not calling you fat in any way, your body is perfect, but you'll see why."

"Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

I might've been a little too excited. but it's alright. "And alright I'll start working out!!"

"You need to be here by seven a.m. every weekday, no later, and you'll leave around seven p.m. each day."

"Great, it works with me, thank you for your time, I won't disappoint you"

I said as I excitedly walked out. I went back to my apartment. Little did I know about the surprise waiting for me as I stepped in.

Author Comments:

Alright, so this is the first story I've ever written before. But I did think this would be fun! I doubt anyone's going to read these, but if they do, I don't know when I'll be posting. Most likely whenever I have free time. English is my first language, this is based in Italy so I will be speaking Italian in this, but at the end like this, I'll do a little translation:) I'm not exactly sure how long these are supposed to be, but this has 1582 words. I do feel it's a little short, but it is the first story, and I gotta keep it boring so it'll build up the suspense in the end.

(looking back now, it gets way better haha. I finished it now.

Little translation for you,

•ti amo, visitatemi presto?: I love you, visit me soon?

•Ti amo: I love you

•Nonna: Grandma

•Nonno: Grandpa

•Sì: Yes

So not much, but a little:)

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "Untouched, Unbothered"

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