"No" you simply replied, strict and firm, obviously not up for disagreement.
"What?" His left eyebrow lifted up and he gave you a 'how dare you talk to me like that' look, though you tried not to be effected by it. 'Tried' being the key word as you felt yourself slowly giving into vulnerability.
"No. I'm not going with you" you developed.
"And why is that?"
"Because I said so" you crossed your arms. His tongue pushed his cheek out and he was staring you down, trying to intimidate you.

  "Look," he leaned forward, "you're coming with me wether you like it or not, babygirl."
"You'll just have to go without me" you shrugged, "I have work to do here, while you have work to do on your business trip. And plus, why would I listen to you anyway?" you taunted.
He took a deep, aggravated sigh, "Lemme tell you something; in this relationship, you are the submissive, I am the dominant. Whatever I say, the submissive should listen"
You scoffed. "Really? Sub and Dom? Since when were our positions established?"
"That besides the point."
"You were and are such a child." You hissed, shaking your head. "And if i don't listen?" You questioned.
A smirk upturned on his face for a short second before he called for your boss who was busy at another table, but immediately abandoned it when he recognised Jimin peering at him.
He rushed over to your table and you, confused, wondered what stunt Jimin was about to pull now.

  "S-sir?" Your boss stuttered in Jimins presence, not caring that you - a worker - was sitting down, having a nice old chat with a customer.
"I need a favour," he started, keeping a smug look at you.
"Y/n here isn't being a good girl, so if she refuses to cooperate anymore, have her fired"
Your mouth hung low as you gasped, gaping at a smirking Jimin.

  "Y-yes, sir" your boss bowed and you looked to him with shock, though he kept his eyes on Jimin, not wanting to feel any empathy for you otherwise his job would go downhill.
"Good. Now go" Jimin shooed him away and before bowing he continued on with his work.

  "You wouldn't dare" you hissed at Jimin.
"Oh, I would dare sweetie" he winked at you as you sighed deeply, aggravated.

  He chuckled, satisfied and got up from his seat.
"The trip is in a day. So prepare your answer quick"
He left, walking confidently out of the cafe, leaving you with this situation to reminisce. You fell back into the uncomfortable wooden chair, huffing a tired breath out.

~ ▌▌~

  You dragged a hand over your slightly sweaty forehead, staring up at the clock. Jimin should be here any moment now.

  After - forcibly - having agreed to go along with Jimin on his business trip - not that you had any other choice - you were actually quite delighted to hear you'd be staying in a five star hotel in Seoul.
Seoul was undeniably far from where your and Jimins commute was, it was also a fancy, big city place of which you have never really visited, so this was a win lose situation for you - the lose part, you can guess is going with Jimin.
Though, a very teeny tiny part of you wants to admit that you're actually excited to spend time with him, but you doubted he had the same desires as you did.

  "Jimins hereee!" Your mother singsonged, opening the door when Jimin was still only parking his car and not even at your front porch yet.

  Your mother was, to say the least, exuberant for you. She rambled on about how lucky you are to have been engaged to such a man who could show you the wonders of the world.
Even if that is true, you'd want to share the wonders of the world with nobody but yourself, especially if Jimin was involved, and the main reason you had to go.

Arranged | P.JM FF Where stories live. Discover now