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(Might as well end with closure, am I right? ;))

4 years later

Things with Brendon had completely settled down. He didn't turn, and Sarah wasn't expecting him to at all anymore. Two years ago, he had recurring nightmares, which were based off of what happened. Sarah helped him with that.

"Mom! Where's my suitcase?" It was the summer of my graduation, where I graduated with honours and distinction. My parents had never been more proud of me.

"I don't know, try looking in the upstairs closet." Maneuvering upstairs, I saw the family photos we had framed on the wall. They were all taken within the last four years, sadly, but we were still a family. While running around upstairs, I bumped into Brendon.

"Hey kiddo! Whatcha doin'?" He asked, leaning against the railing upstairs. My finger pointed to the closet and he chuckled.

"I guess you're packing then, eh?" I nodded and felt his arms wrap around me.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm only moving to France... in one month and three weeks, I'm just getting ready." I reassured, rubbing his back.

"Yeah, you weren't very much of an Italian girl, now were you?" I shook my head no and laughed.

"I figure I'd stick to French, learning a new language is hellish." He chuckled and kissed my temple.

"Mi mancherai," he spoke fluently, causing me to laugh.

"Tu me manqueras aussi," I replied in French. We both smiled and walked into my room.

"How about I help you pack?" He offered. I nodded and threw the suitcase in my bed, opening it.

"So, we need clothes, and I'll think about what items to bring." He held up my clothes for me and started speaking in his valley girl voice.

"I like, so totally think that you should wear this!" He stuck his hip out and made a kissy face to me. I giggled and fell backwards on my bed.

"I'll take the shorts but that shirt's ugly!" He clicked his tongue and threw the shorts at me.

"Donate the clothes you don't like anymore?" He suggested. I nodded and put the shorts in my suitcase. He tossed me the shirt and I started to make a pile on my bed.

After one hour of sorting through my clothes, another half an hour to sort through the items I was going to bring, and then ten minutes of crying, Brendon and I were done. Sarah called us down for dinner, and we both wiped our tears away and reassured each other that I didn't look like we were crying. We both laughed and walked downstairs.

"So, how was packing?" Sarah questioned, placing two plates of lasagna in front of the both of us.

"It went well, I have all my clothes for France and I've got clothes here for when I visit." I informed, causing her to smile.

"And I'm so sorry that I won't be able to drive down with you, but your father will!" She exclaimed. I nodded and sighed.

"Though, we will call you everyday! I can't believe you're going to university in France!" Brendon said, reaching over and rubbing my arm.

"And I'll answer everyday as well, I'm gonna miss you guys! I'm a ten hour drive away!" I groaned, cutting into the hot food. I bit into it and smiled.

"Holy mom! This is awesome!" When speaking to Sarah, I always referred to her as mom. Thinking about her, she was referred to as Sarah. Brendon was always called Brendon. I was never going to not call him Brendon.

"Yeah, I'm excited to drive ten hours with Brendon! I don't think I've ever been on a trip with him for that long." Sarah said it would be good if I act like the whole "Brendon's f**king evil" situation didn't happen. So I lie a lot now. Well, it's not really lying, it's denying.

After supper, we all kind of did our own thing. Sarah went to the store and now Brendon and I were hanging out.

"So, I have a little surprise for you!" Brendon said, rubbing upstairs. I stayed downstairs and waited for him. Down he came with a photo book, handing it to me. I opened it up and gasped. It was a bunch of baby pictures and photos of me growing up. All until the age of thirteen. I looked at Brendon and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you so much! Is this for me?" He nodded and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Yep! I thought you'd enjoy looking at photos of your pre-Brendon-and-Sarah childhood." I clutched the book and smiled.

"This is definitely getting packed!" I ran upstairs and opened up my suitcase. I Nicole placed it in there and felt Brendon's presence. He had something behind his back and was grinning like crazy.

"I also got you something else. The book was a gift from your mother and I." Behind his back was a ring for me.

"What?" My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"It's gorgeous!" He slid it on my index finger and smiled.

"It's a promise ring, because I promise to never stop loving you and being proud of you!" He squeezed me in a hug and his smile formed on my neck.

"This is amazing! Thank you so much, Brendon!" He chuckled and looked at the ring.

"And it's a perfect size!" We both walked downstairs, turning around the railing. My big toe was shit with pain as I cursed.

"F**k! I stubbed my toe!" I exclaimed, hopping around. Once the pain had subsided, I looked at Brendon and winced.

"That hurt!" He nodded and looked down to my sock-covered foot. "Shit!"

His eye twitched and his eyes widened for a second. He grinned and we both walked downstairs. He held a tighter grip on my waist, helping me down. My stomach was uneasy at his twitch as I tried to walk away, but his grip didn't loosen. I looked at him and gasped.

"What's wrong? Oh! Sorry! Anyways, you wanna do something today?" His tone was different. I gulped and slowly nodded.


Pray for the Wicked (Sequel to Death of a Bachelor)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora