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He grabbed my hand and we left the hotel room again. "Are we leaving the hotel or is the surprise here?"

He chuckled, pulling me into the elevator. 

"Yes, it's not in the hotel, but we're going to the gas station first." He stated. We both waited in the elevator with a little silence. Not awkward though, just there. 

"We have to gas up?" I questioned, causing Brendon to nod. 

"Yep, we're gassing up and then going to our destination." I tensed up, causing me to squeeze Brendon's hand. He's taking me to my death, I know it.

"What's wrong now?" He turned to look at me.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking..." I sighed. Brendon looked down at me with an 'are you serious?' look.

"And thinking has caused you to grow anxious?" He was now kneeling in front of me, his hands on my shoulders. 

"Yes! Because my mind still thinks you want to kill me!" I argued, breathing heavily now.

"Sweetie, I'm not going to kill you! You need to get those thoughts out of your head. You don't need to prove anything to me, nor am I going to kill you. Okay, I love you too much for that!" He closed his eyes and looked away. My mouth dropped.

"Not in that way!" He added, growing frustrated. I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"I understand, no need to get your panties all up in a bunch." I joked. He cracked a chuckle and rolled his eyes. 

"Now, let's go!" Just on cue, the elevator doors opened. He got up and straightened his posture before walking out. We still had our hands connected together. The lady at the counter looked at us and smiled.

"You two lovely couple have a nice day!" She cheered. I stifled a laugh and Brendon smirked. We walked to the car and he started the sports car.

"She still purrs!" He commented, smiling at his car.

"You're a big geek, lemme tell you that! And I can't believe that lady thought we were a couple." I gagged playfully at the thought.

"Holy! You're that grossed out about being my girlfriend? I bet you'd enjoy it!" He challenged. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow.

"You wanna bet?" He looked at the road and then back at me. I smiled and watched him.

"Fine, for a full twenty-four hours us both will pretend to be a couple. If anyone of us breaks before then, what happens?" He asked, now driving smoothly with one hand down the Italian freeway. 

"Well, if you break then I get to choose the fast food place for a week!" I said.

"And if you break then I get to tease you non stop for a week and you can't stop me." He added. I nodded and we both grabbed onto each other's hand.

"What are the restrictions, because I obviously can't be your girlfriend in real life. That's illegal." I commented, watching Brendon furrow his eyebrows.

"We show affection in public areas, like kissing and all, but nothing more than that... you know what I mean?" I nodded quickly and sighed.

"Yes, of course, I know what you mean." Brendon pulled into the gas station and got out of the car. I stayed in, too lazy to get out. Brendon tapped on my window, then opened my door.

"You're not gonna come in and get something to eat or drink for the ride?" He questioned. I shrugged and looked at him.

"How long is the trip?" I replied. He thought for a moment.

Pray for the Wicked (Sequel to Death of a Bachelor)Where stories live. Discover now