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After having woken up from a nightmare, my tired self was shaking on her way to her parents bedroom. Brendon was snoring and his arms flailed off of the bed. Sarah was balled up, the blankets up to her chin.

"Brendon...?" His eyes slowly opened and he groaned, squinting to look at me.

"Yes, what's wrong?" He asked slowly, stretching and sitting up. I walked closer to him and sighed.

"I had a nightmare and... and I'm too scared to go back to sleep in my bed." I confessed. Brendon chuckled quietly and grabbed my hand, pulling me into his bed. I squeezed into the middle. Brendon kissed my forehead and wished me a goodnight.


With my hands tied behind a chair, and my legs bound to the legs of that chair, there wasn't much I could do. I looked around and saw Brendon, his sleeves rolled up and his hair a mess.

"Hey! Look at who's awake!" He exclaimed. I didn't act shocked, because I was thinking something like this would happen.

"So... am I dreaming or is my father going to be the death of me?" I asked rhetorically. He rolled his eyes and walked closer to me, smiling.

"Well, you're not wrong about the father thing, but why on earth would I want to kill my daughter? I'm not mentally deranged!" He shoved his hands in his pockets, causing me to bite my lip back.

Stop it! He's your dad now!

"I'd double check that deranged thing, bud!" He growled and came closer to me.

"I'm telling you right now, if you don't piss me off, I don't harm you." He stated, clasping his hand together and bending down. I don't know why I wasn't freaking out right now. I was calm, for sure, and this was reality, because I could feel the ropes digging into my skin.

"So, you know I'm your daughter and you still did this? What point of reality have I hit?" I questioned, leaning forward a little to look around.

"And where's sarah?" I added, getting frustrated. Brendon sighed and tilted his head, examining me.

"You know, I think you have more of my looks then you have hers. And that's what I always wanted. A kid who looks like me!" Switching the subject, he chuckled and placed his hand on my cheek. I snarled and flinched.

"Answer the question." My teeth grit, I became more serious.

"Jeez, you're no fun when you're tied up." He groaned. I knit my eyebrows and coughed.

"No one is fun when they're tied up." My eyes rolled and Brendon chuckled, placing both hands on either side of my face.

"Not true. I'm a hell of a person while bound, thats actually how you were conceiv-" I gagged and cut him off before he could finish.

"Please don't talk about that! That's gross!" He laughed and stroked my cheek with his fingers.

"Ah, your innocence always makes me laugh. You're a funny kid." I squirmed in my chair as I tried to get free.

"Let me go." I ordered, fuming like a bull. Brendon kissed my cheek and shook his head no, smiling.

"Can't do that. Sorry, but I can't have you roaming around and putting me at risk, now can I?" His smirk grew and I growled, pulling my arms, desperately trying to get loose.

"I'll be back with your chicken Caesar salad!" The door closed softly and I screamed as loud as I could, trying to get someone's attention. Where's Sarah?

"Hey, hey, hey! There's no need to get so loud." Brendon stated calmly. I exhaled sharply through my nose and looked in his hands. It was a store bought salad.

"What's going on? Please explain!" I begged, causing Brendon to smile.

"You see, the second time you knocked me in the head with the baseball bat, I thought I'd play it safe and pretend that I didn't remember. Obviously, it worked, since you were both crying over this whole 'Faelecia's family is the man who kidnapped her and her therapist!' so I played along. And wow! it is really hard to play a clueless father, lemme tell you that!" My mouth was opened in shock as I held on to everything he told me.

"Wha? B-but, why do you have to do this to me? I'm your daughter, your only daughter!" I fought. He sat in the chair in front of me and leaned back.

"Yeah, but I wanted to meet you. Sarah would only ramble about you for the longest time, so I thought it was my responsibility, as your father, to come and get you." My brows furrowed as I tried to understand the words coming out of this man's mouth.

"You could have come and gotten me like a normal person! But you decided to go and kill my class!" It seemed that I got my arguing skills from Brendon.

"Duh! Because I'm a serial killer! I can't go knock on your door and ask if you wanna go catch butterflies with me in the front yard! I had to find you the only way I could, in a psychotic way!" I rolled my eyes and watched him mix the salad.

"Yeah, well you know what they say, if crazy equals genius." He knit his eyebrows and gave me a funny look.

"I've never heard that. Is that actually a saying?" He stabbed the fork into the salad and placed it in my mouth. I swallowed it before I continued.

"Yeah, I heard it from you!" I shouted, coughing up a piece of crouton. Brendon picked it up and threw it away.

"Weird, I don't recall any saying like that." He twitched and fell on the ground. I gasped and quickly bent over to see him, but ending up making the chair fall forward. My head hit the ground and everything started to become black and fuzzy. I just put myself in danger for acting dumb. If only my adoptive parents could see me now, especially my mom.

Hey, look, ma, I made it!

Pray for the Wicked (Sequel to Death of a Bachelor)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora