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After two days of sleeping at a weird time, trying to order food when everything was closed, and driving around in the Lamborghini in between two and six in the morning, we were back on track. It was like some small things were finally normal.

"So, how nice is this house you keep on rambling about?" I asked, making my bed, Brendon chuckled, playing with his cufflinks.

"Trust me, you'll be shocked once you see it. It's even better than the one in LA." He said, standing up and pacing.

"Well, anything is better than that house..." Brendon looked at me and sighed. 

"Just don't think about it. C'mon, let's go do something fun and get your sad mind off of whatever is making you all upset again." He grabbed my hand and we both walked out of the hotel room. I sighed as he pulled me into the elevator, continuously pressing the buttons until the door closed.

"You know if you press the buttons too much the elevator will stop, and I don't need to be having another attack," I said, leaning against the wall. Brendon rolled his eyes and watched me.

"Nothing absurd like that is gonna happen, don't need to get your panties all up in a bunch." I raised my eyebrow and widened my eyes.

"I don't feel comfortable with you saying shit like that to me. Apologize." I ordered. Brendon looked at me with a shocked expression plastered over his face.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" He turned, now fully engulfing me. I knew he wasn't gonna do anything bad, and I wasn't going to let him intimidate me like this.

"I said apologize. Things like what you just said aren't very appropriate, and I'd like for you to apologize right now." I crossed my arms, squinting my eyes while never losing eye contact with him.

"Or what? You don't scare me." He shrunk the space in between us. I looked up a few inches to meet face with him.

"And you don't scare me either. Now, if you don't apologize, I'm going to hold my breath forever." I said, causing Brendon to scoff.

"Yeah right," he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and looking back at the elevator. I quickly held onto my breath, knowing I was going to have to fight the urge to breathe. But I wasn't going to let Brendon win this easy. Not even that I was fighting for something important. I just needed to prove to Brendon that I was willing to fight for something. I felt lightheaded. Everything was starting to turn into black fuzzies. Brendon noticed immediately. He watched me attentively, raising his eyebrow slowly. I felt my consciousness slipping away, and the last thing to be retained was me falling into Brendon's arms.


Exasperated, I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. Brendon was right beside with an ice pack placed on my forehead. 

"Hey! You passed out!" Brendon cheered sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and tried to get up, but I was way too dizzy.

"Why do I see three of you?" I asked slowly, Watching the three Brendon's merge into one another. Brendon chuckled and rubbed my arm.

"You're still just getting over it, don't worry." I rubbed my eyes and sighed. 

"Why did I pass out again? I forget..." I flopped my head back onto the pillow and looked at Brendon. 

"You held your breath because I didn't say sorry... remember?" He cocked his eyebrow. I thought for a moment while tapping my fingers on the mattress to try and get it back.

"Yeah! Because you said something I didn't like! And I still want you to say sorry!" I retorted, finally getting the memory back.

"Wow, I can't believe it took you that long to remember something that happened-" he looked at his watch and then finished his sentence, "-four minutes ago!"

He chuckled while I balled my fists up. Obviously, I wasn't going to punch him. If I can't even get him to apologize for something I definitely can"t punch him in the face...

"Shut the hell up before I punch you in the goddamn face!" ...but I can threaten him. He looked at me and burst out into full laughter.

"I'd like to see you try and swing a punch at me." He mocked. I got up from the bed, still a little drowsy. He stood there with his arms crossed.

"Well, I can't do it if you know it's coming." I sighed. Brendon shook his head no and smirked. 

"Just try, who cares?" I cared. I swung my fist to his face, but he instantly caught it. I tried to remove the grip but it was way stronger than me. Then I swung with the other fist, but he caught that one as well. I pulled as hard as I could, just trying to get one hand free.

"Let me go now!" I yelled, growing frustrated. Brendon let go but grabbed onto my arm. 

"Why are you so upset?" He asked, sounding like an angry parent. I started slapping his chest and trying to get out of his constant grip. Then the tears came. Brendon pulled me into a tight hug, trying to get me to stop and calm down. I breathed rapidly, balling my eyes out. 

"Shh... shh..." he rubbed my back and we both fell on the bed.

"What's wrong? You're having the biggest mood swings." He asked again, continuously rubbing my back.

"I-I... I'm just now getting a reality check! Y-you kidnapped me again! My parents are dead... and I'm not even close to home!" I sobbed. Brendon sighed and pulled me off of his chest.

"And all I want to do is to prove to you that I can be strong too! But I've cried how many times since we got here? I'm just a weak f**king kid! You might as well put me out of my misery, for both of our sakes." I rubbed my eyes. Brendon looked at me with his lips parted and his eyes sentimental.

"You're none of that. How can you even be saying this?" I looked down and let out a big, shaky, breath.

"I just wanted to show you that I could do something other than complain." I said quietly, knowing her heard me. 

"You don't complain! Why are you all of a sudden now bringing yourself down?"He propped me up on his knee as if he was Santa asking a kid what they wanted for Christmas.

"Look at me Faelecia," I looked at him and watched his smile grow, "you are my only company here. Why do you think I would re-kidnap you instead of killing you? I enjoy you! You bring joy to my sad, hateful, little life. So don't ever think for a second that you're useless or that you need to prove your strength to me. I know you, alright? You're the strongest human I've met!"

He kissed my forehead and wiped away the rest of my tears.

"Now, I'm sorry for saying what I said, Let's go back to where we were going to go."

Pray for the Wicked (Sequel to Death of a Bachelor)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя