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Finally, once we landed, I let go of Brendon's hand. It felt weird, unclasping hands. Even when I fell asleep, I would wake up and it would still be in his. Let me tell you, my hand was so sweaty after. I watched the Kissing Booth on the TV, listened to Hits1 for a little bit. Brendon fell asleep for thirty minutes. Only. While I was sleeping for at least six hours. We even talked for a little bit. Weird world, huh? Crazy what a twelve-hour plane ride can do to two people, heh? 

"This flight feels like it was wasted because it's only seven thirty." I yawned, yet I was wide awake.

"Yeah, we're gonna have to sleep when we get to the hotel." He said, grabbing the small of my back to lead me out of the airport securely and without any difficulties.

"Go to luggage claim." I reminded him. He nodded and quickly took a sharp right. We headed to luggage claim and he put his sunglasses back on. I looked for my suitcase along with Brendon who waited attentively for his duffel bag. I walked forward to go get my suitcase, but Brendon stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder and pulled me backward.

"Where on earth do you think you're going?" He whispered, going close to my ear.

"I'm going to grab my suitcase, don't worry." I walked forward and picked up the brightly designed suitcase. I picked it up and spotted Brendon's duffel bag, so I stayed and waited for the conveyor belt push it over to me. I picked it up and brought it over to Brendon.

"Here you go!" I handed him the bag and he nodded with thanks. I smiled and we walked off into the parking lot.

"Thank god that Zack made that rental. We have no other way of getting to the hotel." We walked out of the airport and into this little building beside.

"Hi, I have a car reservation under the name Romero." He spoke with an Italian accent, but still in English. 

"Antonio Romero?" The car rental man asked Brendon. He nodded and smiled.

"That's me!" He smiled. The man typed something on his computer and looked to Brendon.

"You'll be renting a blue Lamborghini for a week. Enjoy your self, but I want this car back in one piece. It's in the lot A-one." He handed Brendon a key and he smiled.

"We're driving a Lamborghini, for real?!" I jumped out of excitement. Brendon placed his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down.

"Yes, now calm yourself." He returned back to his American accent.

"I didn't know you could imitate an Italian accent so well." He scoffed and shook his head no.

"Imitate? No way. I do speak Italian, so I can make an accent. It's like you speaking your second language. You can easily talk English in that accent." He explained, causing me to nod.

"I am a French boy who loves baguettes!" I joked. He took his sunglasses off just to roll his eyes jokingly at me. 

"You're a geek." He stated, putting them back on.

"A french geek," I corrected. He nodded and twirled the keys around his finger.

"Lot A-one," he sang to himself. I smiled and followed him as we searched for the lot.

"Found it," I pointed to the lot and we started walking. 

"Blue Lamborghini," we both immediately spotted it and laughed to ourselves. Brendon unlocked it with the click of a button. He opened the trunk and placed the two bags in the trunk.

"Wow, I've never been in a sports car before..." in awe, I managed to keep myself together. I opened the door and sat in the front seat with Brendon. 

"Let's see how loud this baby purrs." He clicked the start button and everything in the car illuminated. It roared and Brendon chuckled.

"F**k yeah! She's gorgeous." He placed his hands on the wheel and started to back out of the parking lot. I rolled my window down and smiled.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed. Brendon smiled, going eighty miles per hour once we were on the highway. I stuck my hand out the window and closed my eyes. 

"This jet lag has me screwed," I stated.

"Why don't you open your eyes and look at all that Venice has to offer." He laughed. I opened my eyes and gasped at the beauty that was Venice.

"This is beautiful..." again, in awe, I was mesmerized by the town. We drove for a while until Brendon turned into a hotel.

"Here we are. Don't make a scene inside, alright?" He ordered sternly. I nodded and got out of the car, taking both bags. Brendon nodded with gratitude and we both walked in.

"Hello. I have a reservation under the name Antonio Romero." Brendon said to the receptionist. She smiled and typed stuff on her computer. 

"Here are your keys. Enjoy your stay!" She handed us two keys. Brendon took them both and passed one to me. I took it and we walked into the elevator. 

"You're acting so well behaved, why's this?" He questioned. I shrugged and pressed the floor we were supposed to be going to.

"I guess I learned my lesson from before. Don't mess with Brendon Urie." He chuckled and looked around the elevator.

"Some compelling words to live by." He commented. I playfully rolled my eyes placed his duffel bag against the bars of my suitcase. 

"So... first thing we do when we get in our room?" My eyebrow raised and he laughed.

"I think you know the answer." The doors opened and we walked out. The hallways were all brown and maroon. It was a beautiful sight.

"Room six sixteen, right here." He slid the card into the slot and opened the door. I dropped the bags near the entrance and passed out on the bed.

"Goodnight, Brendon," I mumbled. He laughed and then the door closed. I heard his footsteps come near and he picked up his bag, before whispering,

"It's morning,"

Pray for the Wicked (Sequel to Death of a Bachelor)Where stories live. Discover now