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"Brendon! I swear I saw someone in the basement!" I exclaimed, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the bedroom. He groaned and followed me downstairs. I smirked and walked down the stairs. I allowed him to enter first. He looked around and sighed.

"You brought me down here for no reason, what the f**k?" He groaned. I pointed to the corner and screamed.

"There's someone there! I swear!" I cried out. Turning around, Brendon sighed. I quickly ran to the corner of the room and picked up the baseball bat. He turned around and his eyes widened at the sight he saw. He came running, about to pounce. My mind racing with thoughts, I did the only thing I could. I threw my leg back and kicked him in the crotch, again. He fell to the ground and winced, shouting in pain. The baseball bat rested on my shoulder, soon swinging into Brendon's skull. Not hard enough to break anything, but hard enough to knock him out. I smirked and pulled him to the chair, carefully, with my left hand. I tied him up quickly, making sure his legs were spread just a little. Hard to explain. I tied him down, making sure to go as tight as I could without cutting off circulation.

"Asshole!" I spat, running upstairs and putting on my shoes. The basement floor was too wet and cold. I took some duct tape from upstairs and sighed.

"What am I doing?" I asked myself, ripping off a piece and slapping it onto Brendon's lips. I giggled and slapped him hard, causing him to jerk awake. I backed up and smiled. Brendon started shaking in his restraints, trying to get free. I walked over to him and dramatically ripped off the tape, causing some of his lip to break. My eyes widened and I threw the tape on the ground.

"How's it feel, asshole?" I questioned, looking him dead in the eyes. He growled and flared his nostrils, showing he was upset.

"Faelecia, you are so dead now! You'll regret this." I reeled my hand back and slapped him, The sickening sound echoed off of the wet walls. He groaned and spat, nailing me right on the cheek.

"Karma's a bitch and so are you!" I retorted, smirking and backing away.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked sternly, tugging his wrists. I saw the bruises start to form from rubbing up against the rope.

"I'm gonna get my revenge. You ruined my life, it's only fair that I ruin yours." I whispered hoarsely. I opened up his jacket and pulled out my phone, along with a set of keys.

"I'm going to call Sarah, but I'll leave the police out for now. They'd only ruin the fun..." Once I closed the basement door and locked it, after many attempts with all the keys, my eyes widened and I started to laugh quietly.

"What has gotten into me?" I asked myself quietly. I unlocked my phone and dialed Sarah's number.

"F**k!" Brendon cursed from downstairs. The door wasn't totally soundproof.

"Hello! Faelecia? Are you safe?" Sarah questioned, eager to have gotten another call from me.

"Yes, I've tied Brendon down in the basement and locked the door. He can't get out, and I can finally see that son of a bitch suffer." I laughed, clenching my fist until I had nail marks. I put the phone on speaker and walked to the kitchen, looking through the fridge. There were some fruit and vegetables already cut. Taking them from the fridge, I put them on a plate and grabbed the phone.

"Faelecia, you're not going to hurt him, are you?" She asked. I forgot she was all against violence.

"Well, I don't know, Sarah, he broke my hand, bruised my jaw and sprained my shin. I think he deserves more than two hits to the groin and one baseball bat to the head." I sighed and rubbed my temples, growing frustrated.

"What?! You hit him in the head with a baseball bat?!" She shouted. I nodded and hummed in response. I opened the door and looked at the address.

"Oh, since I can actually go outside for once in the past two weeks, I can tell you the address." I looked at the house number and saw the name of the road across the street.

"Tell me now, I have my notebook!"

"Twenty-six Castello boulevard!" I exclaimed, going back inside and cracking open a window.

"I can't believe you whacked him. Faelecia, if he escapes before I get there then you are dead." She fought. I rolled my eyes and almost whipped the phone across the room.

"It's not my fault! He made me like this Sarah! This is the closest I have to escape and you're shitting all over it. Now if you excuse me, I have to go feed this big baby!" I hung up and shoved the phone in my pocket. I picked up the plate of fruits and vegetables and brought it downstairs. I sighed and placed it on the ground to unlock the door. I picked it back up and kicked the door open, seeing Brendon snoozing. I smiled and quietly set the plate of food down. I walked up to him, trying to be as silent as possible. Then I hit him in the back of the head, snarling.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" He exclaimed, looking at me. My bruise was gone now, which meant that my face was normal. All that wasn't was my cast and my ankle.

"Feeding time, dumbass." I groaned, pulling up a chair and placing the food on my lap. He looked at me and then back at the food.

"Really? You couldn't make your own food, so you stole mine?" He rolled his eyes and scoffed. Now I could tell why he was mad at me. My eyebrows raised as I placed my foot on his crotch, slightly adding a little pressure.

"What was that? Are you complaining? Do you want to continue down that road, because every time you whine my foot goes a little deeper." He gulped and watched carefully as I removed my foot. Maybe kicking him in the groin was a little harsh, I did feel just the tiniest bit of remorse. I left the room, running upstairs and grabbing an ice pack. The least I can do, right?

"Here, if I give you this then you shut the hell up." I placed it on his crotch and immediately moved my hand. He sighed with relief and let out a deep breath.

"Now eat your food or else I'll shove it down your oesophagus until it gets to your stomach."

Pray for the Wicked (Sequel to Death of a Bachelor)Where stories live. Discover now