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The next morning, I woke up with Brendon's arms wrapped around my waist. I knit my eyebrows and remembered last night. How I cried in front of him and got a lot off of my chest, how I also fell asleep on him. Awkward, certainly. His snores were quiet, his lips were parted and he was stirring the slightest bit. This meant that he was going to wake up sometime soon. I decided to act asleep, wanting to know what he would do.

"Ugh..." Brendon groaned, reaching over to grab something. I yawned and sprawled over on his chest. He chuckled a low chuckle and rubbed my back.

"Wakey wakey!" I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at the ceiling. 

"I have a massive headache and I'm starving," I complained. He chuckled and tried getting up. I rolled off of him and got out of bed.

"Well, your food is still downstairs, but I can reheat it." I nodded and walked into the bathroom, quickly putting on my makeup, changing out of my pajamas and into a t-shirt and skinny jeans. I ran down beside him, looking at the cold food that sat on the table. I followed Brendon into the kitchen and watched him pull out a bottle of painkillers.

"Here, this should clear up your headache." I sighed and threw my head back.

"I don't want to be on painkillers all the time!" I whined. Brendon exhaled and placed it in my hand.

"Either that or you suffer, stop crying and you won't get headaches." I heard him pouring a glass of water. I took it from him and washed the pill down my throat.

"Thanks..." I watched as he put my food on a plate and shoved it in the microwave. I checked the time and saw it was five in the afternoon. This jet lag isn't as bad. The microwave door was opened and Brendon passed me my food.

"So, last night you cried a lot! How do you not get embarrassed doing that in front of people." Brendon laughed. I ripped the plate out of his hands and walked over to the table.

"I've started to not care what I do in front of you because I know you'll never see me as anything that's not worthless, so why does it matter?" I groaned, opening up the packet of room temperature sweet and sour sauce.

"Why do you always say that I think of you as worthless?" He turned the chair around and leaned against the back of it.

"Because you sure as hell treat me like I am. It takes a toll on me." Popping the nugget in my mouth, I examined as he nodded.

"I get that but think of this. If you were worthless, why would I not have killed you? I re-kidnapped you for a reason, so stop calling yourself worthless, it pisses me off." His eyes rolled and I squished my fry in my hand.

"You know, I've started to give a shit about what you think. I'll do whatever the hell I want, say whatever the hell I want and think whatever the hell I want." Brendon burst into laughter and gave me a look showing he was very amused.

"The hell you will! You know the power I have over you and I'm not afraid to use it." He boomed, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I don't think I could care if you harmed me because I'm in that state. I've started to tune you out because I could care less about you!" This is the thing that confused me with Brendon. One second we're getting along, then at the blink of an eye, we're at each other's throats. 

"You are going to learn to respect me the easy way or the hard way, your choice." He towered over me. I leaned back until I fell off of the chair.

"You will never ever gain my respect! Ever! You're a man who will never find love, happiness or any good!" I spat. He walked closer, stepping on my hand. I pursed my lips and sucked in my breath, trying not to react.

"Hopefully you learn one day that I will hurt you if you don't keep your mouth shut!" My lips parted and I kicked his shin, doing nothing.

"I hate you so much! I hope you get put on death row!" He put all his weight on his foot that crushed my hand, then quickly raised it and stomped as hard as he could. I screamed as loud as I possibly could and started to sob.

"What the f**k! You broke my hand! You little piece of shit! I wish that you'd die in a freak accident and suffer as much as you made me!" My eyes were overflown with tears, but I stayed as strong as I could. I brought my leg up and kicked him in the crotch with all of my strength. He yelled and fell to the ground, wincing and groaning. I tried reaching into his overcoat, but he unclasped his hands from his throbbing manhood and pounced on me, pinning me to the floor. The feeling of my knuckles smashing into the ground made me scream out even more. Brendon's eyes were so dark that I could almost see a fire in them as if he were a raging cartoon character. He is a character for sure, just not from a cartoon, more like a horror movie.

"You're going to regret ever hurting me! I am going to make this a living hell for you now!" He growled and in my mind, he seemed like a real tiger hunting their prey. And here I was, a deer, about to be mauled by the tiger in the jungle.

"You broke my hand, it's only fair that I give you a taste of your own medicine." His chest puffed out and he shook his head no, pushing even harder on my wrists. I gasped and felt his hot breath fan over my face.

"Shut the f**k up before I rip out your oesophagus with my bare hands and strangle you with it!" I squealed and kept my mouth shut, closing my eyes with fear and shaking. When I reopened them, Brendon's fist was brought up, and before I could react, it was striking my left jaw, causing me to pass out for a few seconds. When I woke up, my mouth was full of an iron tasting liquid. I coughed it all out and groaned. My hand was throbbing immensely and my jaw was pulsating so hard that I thought death was on the verge of consuming me. As Brendon examined what he had just done, smirking with pride, I felt my jaw slowly get numb, which took away the pain.

"Brendon..." I choked out. He flared his nostrils in frustration and let out a deep exhale, causing his hot breath to hit me in the face. His hand raised once more, slapping my already swollen, and most likely, broken jaw. I groaned and slipped away from reality, faintly listening to his dark chuckle as I faded away.

Pray for the Wicked (Sequel to Death of a Bachelor)Where stories live. Discover now