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The car came to a halt, and I was still too tired to wake up. Something about screaming and yelling really makes you tired. I heard the car door slam shut and my car door open.

"Wake up!" Brendon exclaimed. I didn't flinch or react. He sighed and picked me up, closing the door with his foot and walking into the hotel. He greeted the receptionist and went into the elevator. My head was leaning against his chest, which would rise and fall, due to his breathing. He tapped his foot and hummed. My mouth opened slightly and I started to snore. I heard a faint chuckle on Brendon's part. Still, I was much too tired to do anything and much too angry at Brendon. The doors opened and Brendon walked out.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, fiddling with his hands. I didn't know what was happening, I just knew that I had to remain asleep. Then I felt his knee push against my back. I don't know what the hell he was doing but I wasn't gonna stop him. I heard the weird noise the door makes when it opens and then Brendon's knee went away. He placed me on my bed and groaned.


My plan for the entire week was nothing. Literally, do nothing. Don't speak to Brendon, stay in my bed, other than going to the bathroom and eating. This was going to be a long week...

I opened my eyes and stretched. Brendon coughed, purposely trying to catch my attention.

"I'm gonna explain the rules of your grounding just so we're both on the same page, alright?" He sat in front of my bed. I held up one finger and went to the bathroom. Brendon tried to get me but I closed the bathroom door and locked it. I only came in here to pee, put on my makeup and brush my hair.

"Faelecia! Hurry the hell up before I break the door!" Brendon threatened. I finished filling in my eyebrows and walked out of the bathroom, brushing right my Brendon. I got back on my bed and crossed my arms.

"Now, finally that you've finished in the bathroom, let me explain the rules of your grounding." I rolled my eyes and waited for him to continue.

"First, even though you're mad at me, you are to treat me with respect. You got that?" I inhaled deeply and nodded.

"The second rule, you are to speak to me with a nice, ladylike tone." I stifled a laugh and rolled my eyes. As if I'm going to speak to him.

"You hear me?" I nodded and raised my eyebrows.

"Answer me." He ordered. I shook my head no and crossed my arms. Brendon sighed and rolled his eyes. 

"Ugh, rule number three, no leaving the hotel room for your entire grounding. And no other interaction unless it's with me. I will order the food and you eat what I give you." He said sternly. I nodded and laid down on the bed. 

"Those are all the rules, behave yourself. Because if you break them, I think you don't wanna know the consequences." He got up from my bed and fixed his cufflinks.

"But, you can watch TV." He handed me the TV remote, causing a small smile to grow on my face. I turned on CBS and started to watch How I Met Your Mother. Maybe this grounding wasn't gonna be so terrible. But I couldn't be soft either. I needed to stand my ground and show Brendon that he can't scream and yell at me without getting punished somehow.

My eyes darted to the clock, which read twelve thirty-six in the afternoon. My stomach growled, but I couldn't ask Brendon for food. It growled for a solid three minutes. Brendon looked over at me and knit his eyebrows. 

"I'm assuming that means you're hungry." I didn't answer him, because he already had his phone in his hands and was calling someone. 

"Hi, can I place an order for two large pepperoni pizzas?" He asked, placing one leg over the other as he laid down. 

"How much would adding a four-liter bottle of Aranciata cost? Twenty-four sixty-two? Okay! Thank you, please have it delivered to Ca' Bragadin Carabba on thirty thousand twenty-two, Venezia. Grazzi!" He smiled and hung up the phone. I yawned and focused back to the TV.

"The pizza will be here in fourty minutes." He said, receiving no response from me. 

"Faelecia...? I want you to answer me." Brendon got up and stood in front of the TV. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I shook my head no and crossed my arms.

"Why not? I know you're mad at me but you can't not speak to me. So just do it now." He uncrossed his arms and sat on my bed. I looked back at the TV, then him and raised my eyebrow. He snatched the remote from off the dresser and turned the TV off. I shook my head no again and shrugged.

"And how are you ever gonna ask me for something? You can be dying and you're not gonna speak to me." I nodded, causing him to groan. I grabbed a notepad and a pen, starting to write something down. I passed it to him and he read it out loud.

"You can't make me feel like shit and expect me to be bowing down to you the next. Sorry, buddy, but you're not getting a word out of me for a long time!" He crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the trash can.

"Okay! Fine, have it your way! But it's not gonna be easy to write everything you say all the time, just saying." He was growing salty. You could easily tell by the tone in his voice and his facial expressions. His eyebrows were furrowed, his lips were slightly parted and his nose was flared. I went back to my notepad and started writing something else again. I tore it off the legal pad and handed it to Brendon, who once again, read it out loud. 

"There are around one hundred pieces of paper here and I don't plan on talking to you that much. And I'm quick when it comes to writing, just so you know." Brendon scoffed and placed this one on the bed. He didn't even reply. Then I wrote another thing down, tore it off and gave it to Brendon.

"Maybe if you apologized for all you've ever done to me, from six months ago to the present day, I'll think about speaking to you again. If not, then have fun not speaking to anyone for a while!" Then our silence was disturbed by a knock on the door.

"That's the pizza, I'll go get it." 

Pray for the Wicked (Sequel to Death of a Bachelor)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora