Part 64: Creature Preference (PART 3)

Start from the beginning

"Theo, you better tell her n-" Just when Scott intervened and broke the silence Theo gave you as a reply for the nth time that night, everyone stood still and quiet at what they just witnessed when they heard a startled yelp from you.

"Theo, you better tell her n-" Just when Scott intervened and broke the silence Theo gave you as a reply for the nth time that night, everyone stood still and quiet at what they just witnessed when they heard a startled yelp from you

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Without a second to spare, Brett already had Theo up against the wall by his neck with a good foot above the ground. A deep growl resonated as the werewolf bared his canines at the chimera in front of him, Brett's hold on the neck slowly growing tighter.

"I thought...gods didn't... bleed." Theo managed to give a low chuckle through the chokehold, his claws on one hand still dripping with the crimson liquid that came from you.

Brett was snapped out of the raging trance he was in by Theo's words, his glowing eyes returning to their normal ones before the taller werewolf glanced back to where you stood still.

Five lines marred the skin of your face starting from your jaw and slashing its way diagonally to your forehead, blood was everywhere as it dripped to your chin and down to your clean shirt – some landing on the floor as small red droplets.

"Y/N, you're -" but even before Brett could finish, your skin had already healed itself only leaving blood as proof that you were hit. But you simply wiped it away as much as you can with the sleeve of your sweater, not even bothering that it would definitely be hard to remove the stain later on.

"You're so screwed now." The werecoyote shook her head in disbelief from across the room while the others had shock written on their faces.

With a fast yet graceful movement, you were now standing before Theo who was still struggling against the hold Brett had on his neck. Your eyes glowed that dangerous color again the same time that Brett felt something was trying to tug the chimera out of his grasp, he could only let go and stand beside you to watch.

 Your eyes glowed that dangerous color again the same time that Brett felt something was trying to tug the chimera out of his grasp, he could only let go and stand beside you to watch

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To anyone, it would only look like you were staring at the abomination in front of you. But to the person at your mercy, it was quite a horrific experience.

Theo, as much as he wanted to, couldn't take his eyes off of you nor could be close them as he watched your face contort to the ugliest and scariest look he saw in his entire existence (A/N: anyone watch any horror films lately? lmao, if you're interested btw, there's a series on yt under the account Crpyt TV). With a slow little head tilt to the side, everything seemed much scarier to him as every single nightmare known and unknown to man flashed in front of him.

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