Chapter 1: Lets make a deal

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I bang my head against the steering wheel in front of the stop light. I let out a strained breath pick my head up against the head rest. The stress of not finding a job is really getting to me.

Now that I think about it, it's not actually the finding job part that's stressful. It's the holding onto it part that's actually stress inducing. For the past month, I've worked at four different fast food restaurants...FOUR! Each one let me go within a week.

The first one shutdown, the second had cutbacks and laid people off, the third fired me for absolutely no reason at all, and the fourth one had terrible working conditions along with health violations! Well, I now take back my statement about four jobs letting me go but that's besides the point. I'm going to run out of money very soon and I need to think of another plan. Things are starting to get dicey.

Who would have thought. Reggie Domic, most likely to succeed, most likely to get a job, most likely to CEO, now has no job, no money, and is barley getting by in life. School really does set you up for ultimate failure. Those who will most likely be successful will be those who have a head start, which obviously, I didn't have.

A loud horn wakes me from my deep thinking as I see the traffic light is now greens. I grumble to myself before pulling off in my cheap a** ford sedan. I'm honestly surprised that it's lasted this long. I've had this piece of junk ever since my parents got it for me at the beginning of high school. Hopefully it'll last a little longer cause I might be sleeping in it very soon.

My parents is another stressed right now. It's because of those two that I'm in this mess! They believe that I was prepared for life and had everything I need to go out and be my own person. A load of bull! Having a family of one boy and two girls can get hella expensive so you just kick the oldest to the curb to save a couple of bucks. It also doesn't help that I'm African American, making things a bit harder for me. Well I'm actually really light skinned, like a caramel, so I have that going for me. My dearest parents were nice enough to let me collect some of my things along with a large (yeah right) amount of money they gave me.

The money has pretty much been dried up thanks to the hotel I'm staying in for about a month. It's very nice hotel that allows me to hold most my things at a reasonable price. However, that reasonable price adds up over time and now I'm about out of funds. But, thanks to the hotels free internet, I've been able to find job interviews left and right, like the one I'm headed too now. Hopefully this job will stick so I can finally start getting on my feet.

I see the building and it's pretty large. It's not the biggest office around but it definitely is a close second. Everything about it was just beautiful. The only thing that I had to complain about is the parking. Literally almost all of the office's parking spot are reserved while the others are already taken. However I did see one spot open, so I quickly turned into it before parking. When I lookup up, I saw an 'Assistant only' along the wall, next to a 'Boss Man' sign. Very weird.

I let out a groan before putting my car in reverse. It all happened so quick. I saw the car coming in too late before slamming on my breaks. There was an impact, but it wasn't large at all. I open my door and see a Black Camero behind my car.

Oh s**t I thought. This is perfect timing. Right as I'm about to go to this interview, this happens. It's over for me, I'm done for. The own comes out of the car looking pissed off.

He had sunglasses blocking his eyes, dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, slacks with brown loafers. His blond hair was slick back with gel and he was wearing a silver or platinum watch. This guy is definitely loaded.

"Dude, what the hell is this? Are you blind or something!? Do you see what happened to my car. What YOU did to my car!?" He poked me in the chest to emphasize his point. "This car cost more than your entire life!" He continued.

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