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Why am I here? I don't like any of these people.

The room was filled with all of the druggies from multiple different schools.

Gabby dragged Gwen, Esther and I here. Of course, my two best friends were down for this since they're down for anything, normally I'd be as well but these people make me want to roll my eyes. They're all addicted to some random drug, wether it be Xanax, weed, molly, cocaine, lean; personally, I don't really care for drugs, alcohol is enough for me. Also, since everyone here speaks with so much slang, it makes it so hard to follow conversations.

And of course, since there are druggies here, JK is here. He seems to be friends with a lot of these people since he's only a year older.

He hasn't spoken to me at all, let alone looked in my direction, even though we're all seated in the massive living room of the host, BamBam.

It's not surprising though, after the sexting incident I wouldn't even expect him to ever want to hear or see me ever again.

Thanks a lot Gabby.

Esther nudged my side, zoning me back into reality. "I need to pee, come with me?" I nodded my head and followed her to the bathroom that Gabby showed us the way to when we first arrived.

"Everyone is so scary here." I said once we were safely inside the small bathroom.

"It's not that bad... In fact, I saw the host checking you out earlier." She winked at me, pulling down her pants.

I turned away to face the sink, giving her a bit of privacy. "Wow, good for me." I rolled my eyes at myself through the mirror and applied some lip balm.

"You should hook up with him."

"I knew that you'd say that." I rolled my eyes as she flushed the toilet. "He's honestly not that cute."

That's a lie, he's actually not that bad looking.

"He totally is," I stepped away from the sink, giving her space to wash her hands. "you're just saying that because he's not JK."

My eyes lit up with amusement. "How did you know?"

"Because I'm you're best friend," she smiled up at me. "I know you better than you know yourself."

I rolled my eyes once again and opened the door, leading us back to the main room filled with everyone else.

I must give props to BamBam and his parents, this house is really nice. When the four of us first arrived here, we stood outside for probably five minutes gawking at the size of the house and the expensive yet practical cars sitting out in front of it.

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