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Writing an epilogue is not an easy task for me... But I'm trying... This is for my sweet readers... I don't think this will be a long one... So sorry for the short update...

She looked at the handsome man in front of her with a dreamy expression . He was giving a presentation and she.. she was supposed to be preparing notes.. but hoe can a lady concentrate on something else, when someone as hot as The ASR is standing in front of her.
I should surely ask him for a coffee after the meeting is over. But how will he react. I have heard that he an arrogant man who has temper issues.. but he didn't behave like that with me till now... Maybe he too likes me Thought Arnav's new PA. But poor girl didn't know that his temper was in control... Not because of her but because of his sweet wife...

She was waiting for the people from Neetha's Dreams. They were partners with AR for the summer show and a designer from ND was coming for a meeting. She saw two ladies... One dressed in an elegant suit and the other in a maternity dress walking into the office. They came towards her and the lady in the suit forwarded her hand.
La: "Hi! You must be ASR's new PA... I'm LM!"
P.A: "oh... Ma'am I have heard a lot about you... It's a pleasure to meet you..."
La nodded her head smiling.
Khushi: "er... Where is Arnav? I thought he would be here..."
She didn't like the way this lady called ASR by his name.
P.A: "He is busy in a meeting. He asked me to welcome you guys... And... I think you are coming here for the first time... ASR doesn't like to be called by his name... So take care that you don't do that in front of him."
Khushi looked at her surprised before smirking, realising that the new girl had a crush on her husband.
Both Lavanya's and the receptionist's eyes widened hearing this. They were going to correct her, but stopped as Khushi signalled them.

The PA looked on wide eyed as Arnav went to her to help her to her seat.
Khushi: "Thank you ASR!"
Arnav looked at her questioningly hearing that for which she just winked at him.
They discussed the design for about an hour, before he looked at his watch and declared that it was time for lunch.
Khushi: "It's ok... We can complete this and go right? It won't take much time..."
Arnav: "Not at all... You are not going to delay your lunch... Even if you are not hungry, my princess here surely is is..." He kept his hand on her belly as he said this, again shocking his PA.

Arnav: "So... What do you want to have... I'm sure your friends down in the canteen will only be happy to make your favourites..... Miss. Raina.. you are still here? You can take your break now..."
She slowly started walking out of the cabin. Somehow she didn't want to leave that heavily pregnant lady alone with her boss. Lavanya was downstairs talking with some of her old friends.
Suddenly a little boy ran into the room and right past her legs that she dropped the files that she was carrying.
She turned around to look at the boy running right upto ASR and climbing into his lap and calling him... DAD?
Arnav: "Hey champ? What are you doing here?"
Arush: "Woh... Dad...  Aru came along with Payu Maasi... I brought you lunch.... Aru is having his lunch with dad..."
Arnav chucking: "oh.. is he..."
He turned around and seeing his mother immediately got down and ran upto her.
Arush: "Mumma... You are here... And princess too..." He kissed her belly. "Did you have your food? Princess must be hungry."
Khushi shook her head and ruffled his head.
Khushi: "exactly like his father!"
Arnav: "Are you complaining dear? Er... Raina? What are you still doing here?"
She came out of her shock, hearing him and immediately ran out of the cabin. She went to her cubical and drank some water to calm herself down. She went upto the receptionist.
Raina: "That lady, the pregnant one? She is ASR's wife?"
Rec: "ya... Mrs.Akitha Singh Raizada... She is the owner of ND..."
Raina: "oh... God... I asked her not to call ASR by his name... Shit... I made a fool out of myself, didn't I? Why didn't you stop me that time?"

Here the Raizadas were enjoying their meal while poor Raina was complaining to god.. for her misfortune...

Arnav looked at his beautiful wife descending down the stairs in her red saree and felt himself go hard, making him curse under his breath.
His daughter currently in Payal's arms with both his son and niece looking keenly at her from both sides.
NK's daughter was just 1 year and was in her father's arms.

Arnav: "Did you really have to wear this?" He whined.
Khushi: "Arnav... It was you who designed this saree for me to wear on her naming ceremony and gifted me during my godh bharai..."
Arnav: "I know... But" He pulled her closer. "Feel that? This is what you do to me?"
Khushi: "Maybe I can help you with that..." She tried to unsip his pants only for him to quickly move back. "No... No touching.... That will only worsen it..."

He walked into the room after a tiring day, took his bath.
He walked into the adjacent room, the guest room where Khushi once stayed, which was now the kids room.. His daughter was fast asleep and son was busy colouring. Arush stopped what he was doing and ran to Arnav's seeing him. He sat down with his son, helping him colour and hearing the stories that his son had to say. He hasn't seen his wife after dinner and was waiting for his son to sleep.

He walked into the room and stood shocked seeing it decorated with scented candles. He walked further into the room. He turned around hearing bangles' sound. Khushi locked the poolside door and pulled the curtains close. She was wearing the same attire as that of the naming ceremony day...
Arnav: "Akki..."
Khushi: "You really wanted to unwrap this saree off my body, didn't you?"
Arnav: "Baby... Pls don't tease me..."
She walked upto him and pulled his shirt off him.
Khushi: "My doc has given us the go ahead sign Arnav... Nothing is gonna stop u today, baby..."
His eyes widened before he pulled her close and smashed his lips to her. He picked her up in his arms and took her to the bed....

And let's dim the lights here😜 I don't know if this is good for an epilogue... But this is all I have got...
Thanks for reading... And loving this story....
It was a shock for me to find this story still having ranks even when I haven't updated it for months...
It's all thanks to you guys....

I might start writing a new story within a few days... Might bring the key word. If I do... Pls do read that too... 😅

Bye for now guys...

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