Part 20

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Hi guys... My exams are finally over... But guess what... Our professor thinks that it's best to start the next year, the very next day...Who does that... He could have given us atleast a week's gap, couldn't he? Er... I so want to take a break... go somewhere...

Anjali: "What marriage are you talking about? It was just a contract for god's sake... That ended in 6 months!!!"
Arnav: "What?!"

Every single person there got stuck to there place.
Anjali: "You were planning to leave her after 6 months right, then why are you waiting for her when she left you even before that?"
Arnav: "How do you know all these?"
Anjali: "I was there at the poolside that day..."
Arnav: "you were there. Then y didn't you stop me? I didn't believe ​in marriages, but you did right?"
Anjali: "Because I was sure that there would be some reason. My Chote wouldn't do something without a reason."
Arnav: "oh, really? I didn't hear the same, when I threw your husband out of the house!"
Anjali: "He is my husband, Chote! How dare you compare that middle class orphan girl with my husband?!"
Arnav: "For your information Di, your husband too is a middle class orphan, who is living on our hard earned money."
Anjali was fuming: "He is the Raizada's SIL Chote."
Arnav: "Yes he is. But that doesn't make him a Raizada, but makes you a Jha..."
"ASR? What is happening here?" Akki was already there since the time Anjali opened her mouth. She just stood by the side as a silent spectator the whole time but decided to intervene then because it was not the best time to discuss about the Jhas.
Arnav looked at her and she shook her head in negative. He took a deep breath.
Arnav: "why are you calling her a gold digger, when you already knew that I was the one who married her forcefully, blackmailing her."
Manorama: "blackmailing?"
Arnav closed his eyes tightly regretting that day.
Arnav: "I told her that I would stop her Jiji's marriage if she didn't marry me for 6 months." Payal gasped at that. She didn't know about that.
Akash: "what?!"
Arnav: "She was ready to sacrifice her life for you and Payal. Her entire family disowned her. Our entire family taunted her. But she never said a word." He turned to Anjali. "Atleast you knew that she was not at fault... But how did you behave with her?"
Anjali: "you might have forced her to marry you. But I could see that you were in love with her."
Payal: "so what? You didn't like my sister because Arnavji was in love with her?! If you guys were to hate your siblings' love, Arnavji shouldn't even have let your husband stay here. He should have asked him to stay somewhere else. Anyway our culture asks the women to leave their maternal house. It is not even their house but just maternal house."
Anjali: "How dare you? Who are you to tell me that? This is my house. You heard me? MY HOUSE!"
She said, shaking in anger, pointing a finger at Payal.
Maami: "Akash, take Payal bitiya to your room."
Akash: "Ma?"
Anjali: "She is not bitiya... Only I'm bitiya!"
Akash swiftly turned towards Anjali hearing that.
Maami: "Akash! I asked you to do something!"
Akash nodded his head before going to Payal. He kept a hand on her shoulder to support her. But she shrugged it off as immediately as they got out of others view.
Maami: "Syam pls take Anjali bitiya to your room."
Others too dispersed to their rooms.

Arnav was in his room fuming. Akki placed a hand on his shoulder and turned him towards her. She cupped his face and gave him a sweet kiss.
Akki: "it's ok, Arnav..."
He pulled her close to kiss her thoroughly.

Arnav woke up hearing the continuous knocks. He looked at Akki lying on his chest. He slowly placed her on the bed and kissed her temple before standing up and pulling on his clothes.
Arnav: "who is it?"
"Nannav, it's me..."
He went out, closing the door behind him. NK looked at the door questioningly.
Arnav: "Woh... Akki is sleeping..."
He would have teased him, had the situation been something else.
NK: "Are you guys ok?"
Arnav: "we r fine..."
NK: "so, what are we gonna do now?"
"I have got a plan..."
They turned around to see Akki. She had woken up the moment Arnav left the bed.
NK: "what plan?"
Akki: "Surprise!"
NK: "what?! Bachi this is not the time to play..."
Akki: "you think I don't know? Believe me, I know the seriousness of this situation more than anyone else.... But now I'm gonna play and I'll gonna win! Arnav, you come with me. We have to go somewhere."
Arnav: "where?"

All were sitting in the living room except for Anjali and Shyam
Payal had just stood up to go to her room seeing Anjali coming towards the living room. Everyone looked up hearing the loud sound of glass shattering. Anjali had dropped the glass of juice she was holding. She was staring in the direction of the door wide eyed and everyone followed her gaze.

Not proof read... Not planned. I just wanted to update as soon as the exams were behind me. I have no idea what happened up there. So pardon me for this silly update.
I know this is short. But I have to stop here.
Sry for the typos. Pls do comment.
So... What do you think might have happened, that shocked Anjali. Or maybe who is it that shocked her?

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